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Moku: this will be fun to watch

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Moku: this will be fun to watch. *sits down*

Cross Chara: *gives Female CC a kiss*

Nightmare: wtf is this? *points at Fem!Nm* Like. Seriously. What the actual fuck is this?

Cross: who.. Are you? *forgets he's supposed to kiss it*

Horror: my heart does NOT belong to anyone other than-- *shuts up*

Swapfell: IT'S BEAUTIFUL! *kisses himself*

Fell: dude. Half of us like someone or are dating someone.

Classic: yeah.

Lust: *having a long kiss with himself* this counts as masturbation, right?


Nightmare: it ticks me off when people compare me to hentai.

Cross: I'm a virgin.

Horror: I did ballet when I was 5...

Lust: I once masturbated for a week without stopping.

Ink: I once accidentally destroyed an AU...

Error: I once accidentally created an AU...

Fresh: I'm a pedophile.

Moku: WE ALL KNOW THAT! I've killed a man.

Swapfell: ha! Like I'd tell!

Classic: you won't be cool anymore.

Swapfell: I wetted myself when I saw Moku with the mop.

Fell: I almost ate a moth.

Classic: I went to court for assumed rape. I was innocent don't worry.

Killer: I went to Target once and they treated me like a god.

Dust: I once sprinkled salt in my eyes.

Dream: I gave someone a nightmare by mistake. Apparently they were terrified of butterflies.

Blue: I gave someone food poisoning..

Reaper: I stole someone's teeth.

Moku: nobody cares you cloaked walking dick.

Geno: I regret meeting Reaper.

Cross Chara: I got stuck in the toilet once...

Classic: I'm traumatized.


Nightmare: *chair goes straight through him* .....ouch?...

Moku: *gets a cup* *drinks* chocolatey.

Everyone: *gone*

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