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Lienna gets nervous, staring at her moms contact name. She sighs and calls.

Almost immediately she answers.

"Lienna where the fuck were you?!" She was furious.

"Mom I'm sorry! I stayed late at Normani's house." Lienna lies.

"Stop fucking lying! I called Normani and she said she left and you stayed at the club!" She yells through the phone.

"Mom I'm a grown woman! I can go wherever I want whenever I want, and I refuse to be told otherwise" Lienna shouts back.

"Excuse me? Last time I checked, YOU were in MY home!" She says.

"It's not like I wanted to. You and Rob basically begged me to stay! I don't wanna stay in this hell hole.." Lienna immediately hangs up.

She wasn't leaving, she just couldn't take anymore yelling. Suddenly her phone light up.

whores 👺‼️
bsf 🙈💸💓, normani 🥰💸

bsf 🙈💸💓
bitch I swear if we
text you again-

normani 🥰💸
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
I have to come clean to you guys
normani 🥰💸
did you murder
someone? I'm not
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
Wh- hell nah 🤨 and wow
bsf 🙈💸💓

normani 🥰💸
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
I fucked a sexy ass dude in a
boy band last night when y'all
bsf 🙈💸💓

normani 🥰💸
please tell me you're
on birth control!!
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
yesss I'm not that dumb 🤦🏽‍♀️
bsf 🙈💸💓
it's that dude that
commented on your
pic isn't it?
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
Yup. And he let me stay over,
AND drove me home.
normani 🥰💸
Oop. You're mom
is pissed at you lmao.
                                     bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
Yeah ik. I called her and she
yelled @ me the whole time
so love that for me 😛
bsf 🙈💸💓
Lmao. Bitch you lucky

normani 🥰💸
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
well he's mine so beck off 🤑
bsf 🙈💸💓
girl you know good and
well you don't want a
relationship 🤦🏽‍♀️ are
you planning to lead
him on?
bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨
I haven't figured that out yet.
But he big asffff 🤪 I still can't
walk properly 💀
normani 🥰💸
poor baby don't know
he got set up-

bsf 🙈💸💓
lmao smh
                                      bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨

bsf 🙈💸💓lmao smh                                      bighead ☠️💓, Paige 😌✨

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