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I have too much time on my hands 💀

daddy 🔮✨
Lienna please talk
to me 🤦🏻‍♂️
read at 6:15

daddy 🔮✨
Im not dating her
read at 6:17

daddy 🔮✨
read at 6:18

Lienna takes another slice of pizza. "I can't believe the day he tells me he loves me, he posts a picture with his ex." Lienna says, eating with her mouth full.
"Didn't you say you didn't want a relationship?" Normani throws in. "Shit is still fucked up" Serenity says. Lienna stared at the photo. "They look so hot together!" She pouts, throwing her phone on the couch.

"You guys are missing the point. I recall 2 months ago Lienna said she didn't want a relationship" Normani shrugs. "You're catching feelings" She says.

Lienna puts her head down.

She groans. "I am!" She yells.

Normani and Serenity look at each other. "We knew it!" They say in unison. Lienna looks at them. "You need to text him!" Serenity says, grabbing Lienna's phone and giving it to her. "What do I even say? 'Hey I've been having feelings for you but I've been too pussy to tell you because my hearts been broken so many times?' " Lienna says sarcastically.

Normani rolls her eyes. "Call him and plan to meet up somewhere or something" She says. Lienna sits there for a few seconds. "Sounds easy, but will it be?" Lienna asks. "Just go and call him" Serenity says impatiently.

Lienna dials Brandon's number.

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