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It was a week until Brandon and Lienna had spoken.

Lienna lay on the couch. Her phone started

daddy 🔮✨ wants to FaceTime


She rolled her eyes and fixed her hair.

"Look who's back from the dead" Brandon says

"Ew" She laughs

Brandon smirks.

"Don't hate meditate" Brandon says, with a funny accent.

Lienna rolls her eyes and giggles.

"And I wasn't dead, I was just busy with school and stuff, but I've been wanting to talk to you." She says

"It's alright mamas"

Lienna blushes.

"You know you always roll your eyes right? Why is that?" He asks.

Lienna sits and thinks about it. "I don't know. It's just a habit I picked up I guess" she says. Brandon nods. "Mhm".

"Let's play 21 questions" He says. "Bet" Lienna says, positioning her phone.

"Okay I'm gonna go first"

"No fair" Lienna pouts. He laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

"What's your birthday?"

"March twenty-second. What's yours?"

"December fourteenth" he smiles.

"December baby I see" Lienna laughs. "Okay my turn. Have you ever been in a strong, committed relationship?" She asks. Brandon raises an eyebrow at how bold the question was.

He pauses for a second.

"Yeah. It was pretty recent actually." He says.

"How recent?" She asks.

"Pretty recent."

"How long did you guys date for?" She asks.

Brandon sighs. "A year"

"You know, this seems like a questionnaire for me." He laughs.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to be uncomfortable or anything." Lienna says, mentally facepalming herself.

"It's okay. Have you ever been in a committed relationship?" He asks. "No. I don't really know how to love. My hearts kind of broken."

"I can teach you" Brandon says low.

"Stop it." She says.

"I didn't do anything" he giggles.

She paused.

"You're so cute" she says.

"Stop it"

They both laughed.

"My turn." Brandon says

They were on the phone, talking about nothing and everything, getting to know each other. Brandon expressed himself about him and Charlottes relationship. Lienna talked about her past, family, friends, and life. They connected with each other instantly.

Lienna liked him, and she hated it, knowing she'd have to break his heart before he could break hers. She knew she couldn't be in a relationship.

They liked each other, but they were just friends, well, friends with benefits.

brandonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin