Not uncomfortable but different.

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Jack's POV

"What're you doing?" I walked into the kitchen where everyone was making a disaster while they recorded a new vlog so I started to making a mess too. It's not like we act differently in front of the camera, it's just that we go more crazy than usual. We are a very "open" band to our audience, with some exceptions, of course, like Rye's girlfriend for example. We can't say those things at random, sometimes we have to be careful with what we expose to the roadies for obvious reasons but most of the time we are very open.

Christmas is close and we are all very excited about that, especially Mikey. He's one of the most excited at this time of the year but it's okay I suppose, Christmas is nice because we can see our families and get away from our worries a bit, because yes, even though we are happy most of the time we have our worries. We are people, people have problems. But anyways the thing is that we decided that this year we are going to do our series of vlogmas again and that's not really easy as everyone believes, we have to record every day and edit every day and to be honest, it took us a long time to organize all this but at last we made it and next week we will start to record vlogmas. I'm excited about this.

"Jack why did you leave my bed this morning?" Brook asked me when we stoped recording for a moment.
"Because I need to change my clothes and come to breakfast?"
"It could be a very good content for the vlog" he says with a little shake of his head.
"I don't understand why you always insist on making Jacklyn content" Sometimes it bothers me a little when he does those things, it's like he likes to play with the ships being real. I ignored what he told me and I started preparing my breakfast. I think today is not my day.

Brook's POV
Jack was all day focused on his things and appearing just a little in the vlog we are recording and I couldn't avoid notice it because Jack usually is not like that, he's always in a good mood and making jokes and crazy stuffs with us but today he hardly laughed so I decide that later I'll go talk to him. Because one of the reasons why he might have got angry maybe it was because I wanted to make Jacklyn content for the channel but it's not the big deal, we do that all the time and he doesn't get so upset about those things.

I mean, sometimes he gets upset when I go a little bit far with the jokes but most of the time we just laugh about that. Something is happening with Jack and I don't know what it can be.

* * *

*knock Knock*
"Come in" I heard Jack's voice through the door. For this moment it's already 9 o'clock at night and we finished doing everything we had to do and I'm ready to talk to Jack.
"Hey mate" I walked in and went straight to his bed to sit down.
"Hey" he blocked his phone and left it aside, his new room is completely empty.

Jack never had anything else from his bed because as we shared a room I had things and he didn't need to buy his own things.
"I saw you weird today, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yes ... it's just not my day" he shrugs .
"Do you know you can talk to me about everything right? I mean I know I'm a fool sometimes and most of the things I take as a joke but I can be serious" I smiled and lean against the wall to be more comfortable.
"I know that. I know you Brook, more than I should "he doesn't look at me while saying that, we are getting really sentimental and don't even know why.
"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, we lived together for years and we shared a room for months, I think it's enough time to get to know each other, don't you think?" He says this time looking me in the eyes.
"Oh yes it's true" I laugh and look away, I feel strange, not uncomfortable but different in some way and I don't understand why that happens. There are times when Jack and I get sentimental but for some reason this is different. I don't even want to think about this.
"What do we have to do tomorrow?" Jack said and we started talking about it for a while.

The new theme distracted me from my strange thoughts and from one moment to the next one we were singing a song by Justin Timberlake and laughing like crazy. We always do this, one starts to sing and the other follows the song, it's like something from us and I love it.
"Okay okay stop" Jack said trying to contain his laughter. "I want to sleep, today was a long day"
"Well" I told him and I got up from his bed to leave his room.

*Jack's POV*

That Brook had come to my room made my day a little bit happier like I didn't expect, I was really in a bad mood until we started talking and being stupid as we usually are, Brook always knows how to get me a smile ... well, everyone know really but with Brook is different.

Everything is different with Brook.

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