We have to talk.

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Jack's POV

I already decided, today I'm going to talk to Brook, I'm going to try to get everything back to the way it was before. Last night, when Andy went to look for him, he went back to the kitchen without him and even though I wanted to go see Brook and ask him if it was okay, I decided I was going to give him his time. Maybe he needed to think, I needed to think. Brook practically told me yesterday that he loved me, my best friend told me he was in love with me. I don't know how to react to something like this, we always bother with "jacklyn" but I never imagined it would come true, I'm straight, I could never be with Brook.

And Brook is also straight, it doesn't make much sense that he likes me, he was with thousands of girls all this time, that suddenly he likes a boy doesn't make sense. Maybe he's just confused, he has to be confused. I have to talk to him right now and convince him that this is a confusion and just that.
It's 11:00 am and I'm still in bed thinking about this, I want to get up and walk to Brook's room but I can't, something in my stomach prevents me. The last time I saw him was yesterday on the trampoline and that happened
Despite my knot in the stomach I get up, put on a shirt and walk to his room.

When I get to it I stand in front of his door for at least 5 minutes, I still don't feel ready to see him but it's now or never. I knock on the door like I never do and I don't even know why (actually I do)
"Come in" I hear his voice from inside.
I open the door slowly and enter the room, his room is a mess and he is in his sofa watching television, he looks at me and smiles reluctantly.
"Hey," I say and close the door behind me. I walk to the sofa and sit next to him. "What are you seeing?" I ask him.
"Nothing really" he shrugs and lowers the volume completely.

"We have to talk" I say before he can say anything. He nods and confronts me. "I don't think I really like you" he frowns when he hears my words.
"Why?" He asks me confused.
"Brook, you've always loved girls, ever since I've known you. I literally never heard or saw or intuited that you liked a boy, that now suddenly you like a boy doesn't make sense to me. I think you're just confused and you're mixing things up "I don't even know where all those words came from, so I just keep quiet and wait for his response, an answer I never expected.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks me suddenly and he's looking so intently in my eyes that I know he's serious but I can't believe it.
"Maybe you're right Jack and I can only know if you let me kiss you" I think about it a second, I don't want to kiss Brook. I look at their lips, they look soft and pink, I could kiss them, the boys always kiss each other and nothing happens, maybe that way I can show Brook that this is crazy.
I don't answer anything because for some reason I don't want this to be something planned, I just keep looking at his lips and I approach them little by little, I feel that my heart is going to come out of my chest but I keep getting closer.

Brook's POV

I didn't sleep at night but anyways I'm awake and it's 9 am, I never wake up early for anything in the world but I think a rejection causes that in me, I can't avoid remember the discomfort of Jack when I "confessed" my love. I don't know how I will ever overcome this, I thought that after confessing everything it would be able to be like before but now I realize that it won't be so easy.
I stop thinking about this and go to the kitchen to eat something, last night I didn't eat anything and now I'm hungry. I go back to my room with some cereal and look for something to watch on the television just to not think about Jack.

I hear a knock on my door and I don't know how much time has passed since I'm watching this strange movie but I know it was a considerable time, for a moment I think it's Andy but when Jack comes into my room I don't know how to react, I didn't expect him to come to see me at all. I smiled at him while he sits next to me, saddened to see him but pretend not to, I don't want to show him my weakness. I'm about to say something to lighten the mood when he cuts my words.
"We have to talk" and what he says after that hurts more than a stab, I can't believe that Jack thinks this is just a whim of mine, I swear that if I couldn't feel this for him, I would.

And then because of the anger that their words provoked me and taking advantage of the situation I say something I never imagined saying.
"Can I kiss you?" Once the words come out of my mouth I regret but not, because one of the things I want to do most is kiss Jack, I'm dying to taste those lips and I don't know... feel Jack in that way.
"What?" By the tone of his voice I can say he knows what I said but he doesn't want to imagine that I did it, I know Jack too well.
I repeat what I want because it's really what I want, he keeps quiet for a few seconds just looking at me, then he looks at my lips and I feel my blood rise to my cheeks, I'm nervous.

I don't know what Jack can do, I don't know what he thinks about this and that he is looking at my lips it doesn't really say anything to me. I'm afraid that he will say no and I'm afraid he will say yes, I don't know what I want him to do but in reality I do. I want Jack to kiss me and I want to kiss him and I want us to be together.
And then I see how Jack approaches me without saying anything, I moisten my lips and I begin to approach to him but much slower than him, I don't know what will happen after this and I don't know if I'm afraid or happy.
I close my eyes and feel how our lips come together.

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