The sensation.

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Brook's POV.

For the first time I was admitting something I never thought to admit or even think about. But it was true, I wanted to kiss Jack Duff and I didn't know what to do with it. He was still there, sitting in front of me smiling at me and I was still there thinking about how his lips would feel. I had never thought about kissing a boy, I had kissed some boys but not with the same intentions that I have at this moment, most of the time they were a joke or a game. But now everything felt different, I don't want to kiss Jack for joking. I want to kiss him because his smile is beautiful and because something in my stomach stirs like crazy when I think about it.

"Well, let's finish with this and we will buy the furniture" he suddenly stoped smiling and looking at me. And although I still had the same thoughts of a while ago my stomach calms down.
"Okay" I said and we started talking about trivial things as always while we were finish the meal. I was thinking about his lips while he talked to me about something he did on the trampoline with Mikey but I didn't really hear anything.
After half an hour we were already entering in IKEA and after another hour we were returning home with a few pieces of furniture for Jack. And I'm still thinking about kissing him.

After putting all the things down and taking them to Jack's room, he and Rye started putting together all the furniture so I decided that im going to take a shower. I was almost out all day and this morning I didn't have time to shower because Jack took me out of the house within minutes of waking me up.
I went into the bathroom that I share with Rye and I started to undress, I wanted to fill the bathtub and relax for a while and more importantly... think about Jack and why I felt what I felt.
When the bathtub was full, I entered it and felt like the hot water produced a small itch.

I returned to the moment this morning and I thought about the feeling I had when I wanted to kiss Jack, I felt like I'm thinking too much about this but I need to do it.
I closed my eyes and I remembered his smile, that made my stomach do strange things again, it's as if his smile caused me a thousand things or something similar. Then I remembered the first time I felt the sensation, a few nights ago, and I saw Jack standing in front of me smiling at me again. Then I thought about the jealousy that I had that night when I imagined Jack smiling at someone else. And I started to remember small moments that I had with Jack. Until one of those memories made me feel different.

* Flashback *

Jack and I were the only ones left in Blair's house, the others already went to leave some boxes to the new house and left us disarming the beds, I entered the room and I saw Jack standing in the middle giving me the back, it looked like he was analyzing how he was going to take the bed apart. Suddenly he took off his shirt and I could see his thin back, he didn't realize my presence so I approached to scare him. When I was at a considerable distance I jumped on him and we both fell to Mikey's bed, I was laughing and Jack tried to turn around to hit me.

When he managed to turn around we both faced each other, I got on top of him and he was with his hands grabbing my arms. Since I didn't have a shirt either, I could feel his skin against mine, it was warm and soft, we were so close that it makes me stop laughing and look him straight in the eyes, I could also feel his legs between mine. It was as if we were one person and I liked it. It was not like when we sleep together naked because it's something that we do with our consent, this only happened and felt different. And from one second to another I was on the floor and Jack was telling me how stupid I am.

* End Flashback *

I didn't remember that moment at all. The memory of the way his body felt against mine causes my body to react and I can't believe what is happening, I feel ashamed and I try to stop thinking about it but while I avoid it, I remember the moments when Jack and I were naked, all the times we sleep together, all the times we hug each other without a shirt, all these thoughts make my member get harder and harder so I start to touch myself with insecurity and try to think about any women but every time I think about one my mind turns to Jack and my dick throbs more.

I cared slowly and slowly while I was beginning to imagine that it was not my hand, it was Jack's hand that touched me. I imagined him kissing my neck and touching me so slowly, I felt that all my muscles were contracted and my breathing was agitated more and more. I was so close to come so I started to increase the speed of my movements and more images of Jack entered in my head provoking me more excitement, I felt that never in my life was as hot as now ... nor so hard.

I closed my eyes and see Jack one more time and a second later I came in my hand and the next second I didn't even want to think about what I just did, I didn't know how I was going to look at Jack in the face after that or how I'll be able to go back to sleep with him without another of these erections.

I don't know what this means, I don't know if it was a hot moment or if it was something else, the only thing is that if I feel something for Jack it won't be easy for him, neither for me, nor for the band.

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