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2 years later

Brooks POV
The streets of London are full of people like never before and I don't understand very well why but I don't try to analyze it because I'm focused on arriving at the cafeteria on time, although I know I'm late, very typical of me lately. I take out my phone and I have two missed calls from Andy, shit. The same thing always happens to me, I send a message telling him that I'm already close and I start running, Andy hates unpunctuality and I am the most unpunctual person. I enter the cafeteria and see Andy sitting at our usual table.

"You arrive half an hour late" he tells me when I sit down in my chair.
"I'm sorry ... I couldn't find my keys" I tell him lying a bit because I actually woke up late.
"It doesn't matter, I get used to this" he shrugs and calls the waiter. "Two coffees with a slice of chocolate cake, thank you"
We always ask for the same, it's like our ritual, we get together every 30th of the month, we order some coffees and a cake and we talk about our lives, the best days of the month for me and I hope for Andy as well.

Minutes after the waiter brings us our orders and we started talking about some things that happened to us during the month, like for example, that Matt, the guy I was with a few months ago, spoke to me again and told me how much he regretted having done what he did and shit like that, I don't believe any of his lies anymore. That was the worst relationship I had in my life but it's a past issue, I already overcome him completely and for now the only thing I want is to focus on my career. After I left the band and spent a few months going to therapy and spending time with my family I decided to study and now two years later I'm in college and I love what I do.

"Jack talked to me the other day," Andy says suddenly after I finish telling him Matt's story. My heart tightens in my chest and I look away, remembering Jack always produces the same in me. I can't overcome his memory, I can't help it but hurts every time I think about him, I never saw him again since the last time. I saw him on TV shows and I know he achieved his dream of being a recognized singer, if I remember correctly, at this moment he is touring in Latinoamérica, after the band finished destroying, Jack continued as a soloist with the help of Blair and when he released his first song was a great hit. I was so happy for him but I didn't have the courage to speak him, until now I don't think I have the courage to do it.

"And what did he say?" I ask trying to sound normal even though I know I don't.
"He's here in London" I look at him frowning because I really thought he was in Latinoamérica "he wants us all to meet"
"What? Why? " I'm really surprised, I mean, it's been two years since we last saw him. Why does he want to meet now? Has no sense.
"I don't know ... didn't you see the news?" He asks me before taking a sip of coffee.
"No, what happened?" I'm really confused.
"He recognized himself openly gay" I remain silent for a few minutes without being able to believe anything. I mean, Jack saying publicly that he's gay ... it just is not possible.

"Yes, Jack ..." I take my coffee without saying anything trying to process Andy's words.
"And that's why he wants to meet us?" My heart starts beating fast thinking about the possibilities, Jack accepted to be gay to the world and now he wants to see us ... see me.
"I don't know if that's why," Andy says with a shrug, I notice he's worried, probably because of me.
"I don't know if I can do it" I answer because I really don't know if I can look at Jack again, he really hurt me in the past and I don't know if I'm ready, I'm afraid it will happen again.

"Brook ... if you don't want to, don't do it" Andy grabs my hands trying to keep them quiet, I didn't know that was moving them so much.
"I'll think about it ... when he wants us to meet?" I ask
"This weekend" I bite my lips, three days to the weekend.
"Okay, send me the location later"


Today is Friday and I haven't stopped thinking about the meeting that Jack organized, I still haven't decided whether to go or not. I know Andy is going to go just like Mikey, from Rye I know absolutely nothing. We lost contact after 5 months since I left, with Mikey we talked occasionally and with Andy, well ... we never stopped seeing each other. As I always said, Andy is my brother. I leave my books on the table and start preparing food, I just came back from college and I'm hungry. I don't have much in the fridge but I manage to make myself a sandwich; After that I go into the conversation with Andy and read once more the place where Jack quoted us.

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