Ever end.

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Brook's POV

"I don't think it's a good idea" Jack says
"Why not? It's gonna be fun"
We are talking about going skiing with Ryan the next time he goes, lately he spends all day in that place and the last time we were there, Jack and I didn't do too well.
"I don't know, I'll think about it," he says and turns around to finish on top of me, then plants a soft kiss on my lips and I take his waist to deepen the kiss. God, I think I'll never be happier than I am now.
Jack and I spent most of the day here locked up just kissing and talking and I can say it's a perfect afternoon.

"What time is it?" Jack pulls away and lies down beside me, I reach out and grab the phone from the bedside table.
"05:34 pm" We have been here for about 5 hours. "Where will the boys be?"
"I don't know, let's go ..." Jack begins to say but the door opens and stops him. He immediately lowers his legs above mine and pulls away a little.
Ryan comes through the door and stays a few seconds looking at us.
"What were you doing?" He asks, still holding the door.
"Just talking" Jack answers getting up from the bed, then go by Ryan's side and disappear down the hall.

"Emm ... the guys brought food, I came to ask you if you wanted something. We didn't see you all day, "says Rye, I smiled at him trying to hide my disappointment.
"Yes, of course" then I'm the one who gets up. I hate that my perfect afternoon is over, I hate that Jack has reacted the way he did and I hate not knowing what is going to happen next, if Jack is going to act weird or if he will be the same as always.
* * *
"I think I'm going to sleep" I tell the boys, it's past 11 pm and I'm tired, I think I'll finally be able to sleep tonight even though I still have the stress of not knowing what's going to happen between Jack and me.

After Jack left his room I spent the rest of the afternoon with Rye and Mikey putting together a silly puzzle, there was no sign of Jack or Andy, I had fun with the guys even though the only thing that was in my head all the time was Jack's kisses and Jack.
I say goodbye to Rye and Mikey and go to my room, when I enter the first thing I see is Jack sitting on my bed watching his phone.
"Jack" is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. He lifts his head and looks at me.
"I was waiting for you to come" he tells me, he locks his phone and moves a little in the place. "We need to talk"

The worst words that someone can hear or maybe the best.
"Let's talk" I enter my room completely and close the door.
"I don't want what happened today to end" he says without any filter, I didn't expect him to be so direct "but I don't want anyone to know it either, I want it to be something of us"
I should have expected something like this to go through the way Jack reacted in front of Rye earlier. I don't know if it bothers me to be honest because I don't know if I want people to know this. So I guess we can keep the secret, I want it to be something for just the two of us for now.

I don't answer anything, I just go to Jack, take his face and start kissing him, I miss kissing him and not even a day has passed since the last time I did, he laughs against my mouth and grabs my waist to throw me towards the bed and finish over me.
His lips move strongly against mine but at the same time gently, I raise my hands to his hair and pull its gently, Jack groans against my mouth but doesn't stop the kiss. I open my legs to have Jack's body as close as possible and with my hands I draw him to me. And then I feel his hardness against my pelvis and that makes me moan this time.

Jack begins to move against me slowly while still kissing me and I feel I'm in heaven, we both groan and sigh and I'm so ready for everything, I put my hand under his shirt and caress his back accompanying the movement and when I'm about to take it off He stops.
"We have to stop" he tells me in a sigh and he moves away from me, he lies down beside me with his agitated breathing and he looks towards the ceiling for a few seconds like me. Then he confronts me and begins to caress my face, I do the same. I think it's my favorite position with Jack. One in front of the other caressing us.

Our breaths are calmed while we just look at each other, I appreciate the beauty of Jack and he ... I don't know what he is doing but it doesn't bother me, I would stay like that for the rest of my life and I'm not kidding.
I love this and I love Jack.

And I don't want it to ever end.

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