Chapter 2

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“Who is it?” Diana one of my work friends asked me as I was came back from delivering someone’s order. It was now finally time for my lunch break.

“What do you mean?” I asked her leaning against the counter with my hands crossed against my chest while staring at her with an amused look.

“You’re glowing and you’re happy.

Who’s the lucky guy?” she prodded while I laughed.

“There is no guy Diana,” I told her and she gave me a look that translated to, ‘I don’t believe you’ while I laughed. My phone then started ringing and it was Owen.

“Hey Owen,” I greeted him cheerfully making Diana continue giving me the look and I rolled my eyes.

“What are you doing for lunch?” he asked and I replied with a nothing before he told me he was outside to pick me up for lunch.

“I’ll be right out,” I said while taking off my apron and hanging up the phone.

“Who’s Owen?” Diana asked curiously and I shushed her before going to change out of my waitress uniform and wear casual clothes which consisted of jeans and a t shirt, not my best fashion choice.

He was standing by his red Mustang when I saw him and I waved while he smiled and outstretched his arms for a hug.

“Hey friend,” he said and I said hie back before he opened the door for me like a gentleman. I got in and settled myself while he ran over to the other side.

“Where to?” I asked as he started driving and he just gave me a look. I was about to question the look when my phone started ringing making me groan not wanting another scene where I dropped everything out of my bag. It was Luca’s mom Bertha and I answered it hoping she didn’t want to convince me to go back to Seattle. I would go back eventually just not now.

“Hey mom,” I said and she replied sounding happy to hear me say mom even though I always called her that.

“How are you honey?” she asked and I replied with a ‘fine’.

“We miss you here,” she went on to say and I told her how much I missed her too.

“When are you coming to visit?” she began and I rolled my eyes not wanting to go over this again.

“Mom listen, I’ll come to visit just not now.”

She got the hint I didn’t want to talk about it because she changed the subject. “We are planning a baby shower for Frankie; she’s one of my friends’ daughters and I really want you to come please,” she begged and I agreed only because I loved Frankie.

We’d hung out during business dinners and she was pretty cool so why not. She told me she’d send me the card with the venue, date and time.

“Thanks for calling mom, I’ll see if I can make an appearance,” I said and we bid our good byes before hanging up. I banged my head on the seat making Owen chuckle.

“You sound like you’re pretty cool with your mom,” he commented sparing me a glance before focusing his attention on the road.

“We are close I guess,” I responded with a shrug.

“So why don’t you want to go back home?” he questioned lowly as if scared I’d freak out if he spoke too loud.

“You don’t wanna know,” I said and he didn’t ask anything after that. He probably got the hint as well.

We both decided on ordering at a drive through. We were now currently sitting in the car sipping on our shakes and occasionally taking a chip and biting our chicken. My lunch break ended quicker than expected and I went back to work. As I was coming from Catherine’s office where she’d just asked me to come and assist her with looking for her papers when I spotted Stella Johnson, my college best friend. She was coming towards me and I completely froze but she seemed to busy on her phone to notice.

The one good thing I’d gotten out of getting married to Jack was an art degree. Jack did value education more than anything. It was one of the things I loved about him before he turned out to be a dick. Stella was like a sister to me throughout my college journey but she’d betrayed me by sleeping with Jack. As much as things weren’t right between me and Jack he was still my husband and Stella had no right to cross that line. A true friend wouldn’t do that. After I unfroze I quickly ran into the ladies room beside Catherine’s office and hid in there until I was sure the coast was clear.

I got out and headed back to work not wanting to think about Stella anymore. I couldn’t go back to thinking about that betrayal. Living in the past never ended well, I knew that more than anything.

I swear I’ve never been as tired as I was today. I’d overworked my poor body and I regretted it. Between work and having a movie night with Diana and Owen, yes they had met, I was so tired. All I wanted was to sleep the whole day tomorrow. With a yawn I flipped on the light switch of the apartment with my eyes droopy and shut the door when suddenly I heard a voice.

“You come home this time huh?” I screamed before seeing the owner of the voice.

“Luca?” I screamed before cussing repeatedly while wide eyed.
This wasn’t going to end well, I mean at all!

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