First Day

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Your POV

"Come on Dad, why can't I be home schooled" I said to my dad as I walked into the kitchen. We have been living in Miami for about a week now and it has come to the first day of school. The day I have been dreading. 
"I already told you no, you need to go out and meet new people" Dad replied. I sighed and sat at the table between the oldest, Abby, and the youngest by about 4 minutes, Rex. I poured some milk on my cheerios and began to eat it.
"Come on Y/N, don't be like that" Abby said from beside me.
"Yeah says the one who doesn't have to go to school" I mumbled as Ryan ran after Kenny.
"GIVE IT BACK" Ryan shouted as he chased Kenny round the table.
"NO" Kenny shouted back.
"KENNY, RYAN SIT DOWN NOW" Dad shouted. Both boys halted and quickly sat at the table. "Kenny give whatever you took back" Dad continued. Kenny huffed and handed back Ryan's journal. I laughed. Ryan really needed to hide that somewhere. Dad looked at his watch. "Oh crap you guys have to go, uh Abby you take Ryan, Sam and Y/N, I'll take the others" Dad said as Max walked in. Abby nodded and we all got up, although I still don't understand this whole American schooling system thing but apparently Ryan, Sam and I are all at the same school. Apparently I'm a junior cause its already past half way through the year but I don't know. 
"SAM COME ON LETS GO" Abby called up the stairs. When Sam appeared all I could think was perfect cause well that's what she is. Perfect grades, pretty, talented, I'm what you call the failure twin, which sucks. I mean she even looked perfect while I looked like a freak out of a dumpster. Okay too far. We all piled in one car while the others went with dad.
"You excited? I am, I wonder what it will be like?" Sam said.
"No" I replied simply. She looked as if she was about to reply but Abby pulled up outside the gate. We all said goodbye and headed inside. I hate it when people stare but I guess that's what happens to new kids. We all walked inside and eventually found the reception.
"Hi, you must be Ryan, Samantha and Y/N" the woman said. I was surprised she already knew us.
"Yes ma'am" Sam said. I just let her do the talking why Ryan and I just stood back and watched. Sam was defiantly the more outgoing one. The woman handed us our timetables although it made no sense to me. She offered to show us where to go though.
After dropping off Ryan and then Sam cause we had different classes she took me. She went in first and left me standing awkwardly in the doorway with everyone staring at me. She spoke to the teacher before leaving.
"Hey there Y/N, I'm Mr Stans your English teacher" The rather tall man with dark hair smiled.
"Hello" I replied. I heard whisperers all of a sudden that I didn't like but I guess its cause I'm British right. The whole accent thing. Right?

That class too bad. I mean everyone stared but no one spoke to me so that's great. Second period wasn't too bad either. I didn't speak at all then cause the teacher didn't really care who the hell I was. It was break now though so maybe I'll see Sam and Ryan. When I walked out on to the play ground it turned out both of them had met people already. Ryan was with a group of guys and gave me a small smile before I heard my name being shouted from somewhere. I span around for a bit looking like a complete idiot till I saw Sam with a group of about five girls. How does she meet people so fast. "Y/N, Y/N COME HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET SOME PEOPLE" Sam called. I nervously shuffled over. When I reached them I kept my head down cause I hate making eye contact. "Y/N, I know your bad at this stuff but at least try" Sam said. She always embarrasses me. I heard a few of the girls laughing. Great I'm already the laughing stock. I looked up shyly. WOW, they were all really pretty. Although one girl stood out. She was smiling at me. She had dark hair and brown eyes. She was really beautiful. "So guys this is my younger by 7 minutes twin Y/N and Y/N this is Normani, Dinah, Ally, Lauren and Camila" Sam said pointing to each of them. Camila. That's her name.
"Hi" I gave them a shy wave.
"Hey" they all waved back. I kinda spent the rest of break thinking to myself and trying not to stare at Camila, although I'm 80% sure there is something going on with her and Lauren. They suddenly all became obsessed with comparing time tables and it turns out I have Maths next with guess who? Camila. We walked to class together in silence, although it wasn't awkward which was surprising for me. Once I had spoke to the teacher Camila pulled me down next to her.
After a while of the teacher speaking she let us go 10 minutes early because she had a meeting, which has never happened before but it was cool. i followed Camila to where we sat at break and we both sat down.
"So Y/N, your from England right?" Oh crap shes talking to you. Of course she is you idiot. 
"Uh y y yeah" Oh wait to go, you stuttering weirdo.
"Where about?" she asked.
"London" I replied. Well at least you didn't stutter this time. 
"Cool, Why did you move to Miami?" She asked. What do I do? I couldn't lie.
"Hey guys" Oh thank god. Thank you Normani.
"What were you talking about?" Sam asked.
"Oh I just asked Y/N why you guys moved" Camila replied. Sam and I looked at each other and went silent. "I'm sorry was that wrong to ask?" Camila said looking guilty. She is so adorable.
"No its just that..." Sam started, she looked at me.
"Uh well, both our mum and s s sister died of c c cancer and everything reminded us of them so we all moved" I finished off for Sam with tears burning in my eyes. I quickly looked down after accidentally making eye contact with Camila and I knew she could tell I was about to cry.
"Oh we're so sorry" Ally said.
"Its fine, you didn't know" Sam said.
"Sorry" I said getting up and walking away as fast as I could. I hate crying but I can't ever get over losing them. I found the bathroom surprisingly fast. It was empty but I hid in one of the toilets anyway. I slid down the wall and cried.
"Y/N" I heard someone call. Camila? Why is she here? I quickly composed myself and unlocked the door. "Hey, oh my god are you okay?" She asked rushing to me. I nodded. "Well you don't look it, I'm sorry I never should have asked" Camila said.
"No like Sam said, you didn't know" I replied. We sat in silence for a bit.
"What were their names?" Camila asked. I looked at her. She looked like she genuinely cared. I sighed.
"My mums name was Emma, she dies when I was 10 and then my sisters name was Rachel, she died when I, when I, when I was 14" I said suddenly breaking down in sobs. Camila quickly wrapped her arms round me.
"Its okay, there always here with you, you may not be able to see them but they are right here" she said pointing at my heart. I smiled.
This is not how I imagined my first day. Sitting on the floor of a bathroom with a girl I just met who I already have a crush on.

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