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Camila's POV
Once I had got out the room I had to find Y/N. She wasn't in the same place as she was yesterday. I frowned and walked aimlessly around the house trying to find her. It had been about 5 minutes and still nothing. That was until I heard quiet sobs coming from the basement. I opened the door and walked down the stairs and let me tell you this was no creepy basement. They had turned it into a recording studio. It was freaking awesome. There were guitars lined on the walls, a drum kit, a microphone. I broke out of my trance when I heard the sobs and quickly spun around to find Y/N sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head tucked in. It made me so sad to see her like that. I quickly walked over to her and sat next to her. I put my arms round her and pulled her into me. "Y/N whats wrong?" I asked once her sobs had disappeared and her breathing evened.
"Uh n n nothing, just the book" she replied. Well that was a lie cause the book wasn't even here.
"The book isn't here" I said. Y/N looked up. She looked so broken it was heartbreaking. "Tell me please" I said.  Y/N pulled away from me and sat cross legged in front of me. She looked like she was about to speak but looked down.
"You'll think I'm stupid" She said. I frowned at her. I would never think she was stupid. I thought she was amazing. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up. I think this is the first time I had ever looked in her eyes and they were already my favourite color. 
"I will never think your stupid" I said. She nodded.
"Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts cause you know that they would never like you back" Y/N said and I knew she was talking about me. She was hurting because of me, I don't want her to hurt. Ugh I just want to kiss her now and make her stop hurting.
"Tell me about them" I said. I don't know what I was doing.
"h huh?" Shes so cute when she stutters.
"Why do you like this person? What is it about them?" I asked.
"Uh well, their perfect. I mean I haven't known them for ages but I feel like I have known them my whole life. They make me feel safe and happy and loads of things I just can't describe but it gives me a good feeling. They make me feel loved and cared for even though they shouldn't really care about me cause I'm defiantly not good enough for them. Their perfect, amazing just everything" Y/N said and my heart literally was melted right there in that moment. I know its about me, she knows its about me, but she doesn't know I feel exactly the same way.
"Why don't you tell them?" I asked. I mean she already had my heart without even knowing.
"Because I'm scared. I think they have someone else, which isn't surprising really but-" I cut her off.
"They have your heart and you don't want them to break it" I said. She nodded. "Tell them, right now because I am sure they feel the same way" I said. Y/N got out her phone. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"Texting them" Y/N replied simply just as my phone went off. I took it out and Y/N popped up. I opened the message.
Y/N: Hi
I looked back over to a nervous Y/N. I wanted to kiss her so bad right now but before I could say anything Y/N got up and ran.

I ran as fast as I could out of the room. I just told Camila I liked her. "UGH I'M SUCH AN IDIOT" I shouted.
"Y/N WAIT" Camila called after me. I quickly opened the front door. I thought I had got away from the rain but no it had to rain now of all times. I quickly pulled my hood up. I had just got out of the drive way when I felt someone grab my wrist. Camila spun me around but before I could say or do anything Camila's lips crashed on to mine. We were both soaked but in that moment I didn't care. I quickly kissed back no really knowing what to do but I felt something. Something so good, like fireworks. But wait what if she is doing it out of pity. She pulled back.
"why are you kissing me? you don't like me" I said letting denial take over.
"Y/N listen to me. I do. I like you, I don't just kiss people for no reason" Camila said. I don't believe her. She's telling the truth don't be stupid Y/N.
"Are you sure you don't like a different Y/N?" I asked.
"Your such an idiot, I like you" Camila said. My face lit up.
"Really?" I asked and Camila nodded.
"Y/N YOU JUST HAD YOUR FIRST KISS WELL DONE DORK" Camila and I looked up and saw Sam and Dinah in the window. I looked back at Camila.
"I was your first kiss?" she asked. I nodded shyly. "Stop being cute, come on, I'm getting cold" Camila said just as I remembered we were standing in the rain. Camila interlaced our fingers and we walked back inside. When we got upstairs Dinah and Sam threw towels at us.
"You two are so cute" Dinah said.
"Thanks" Camila said kissing me on the cheek. I could feel myself blush so I quickly turned and went to my wardrobe. I was looking for something to wear when I felt two arms wrap around me from behind.
"Hi" I said.
"Hi" Camila replied. I pulled out a sweater, a t-shirt and some shorts and handed them to Camila.
"Here you can borough these" I said. She smiled and thanked me before heading to Sam and I's bathroom. I pulled some clothes out for myself and turned to find a smiling Sam and Dinah behind me. "What?" I said.
"Nothing" Dinah said.
"I have just never seen you this happy" Sam said. I smiled to myself. When Camila came out I almost dropped the clothes in my hand. 
"Uh you can keep them, they look better on you" I said and quickly walked into the bathroom before I would just stand and stare at her. 
Once I was changed I took Camila's clothes and put them in the dryer. I looked at dad and her raised his eyebrows. Oh crap. "Did you see?" I asked and he smiled and nodded.
"I'm happy for you kiddo, don't worry I'm not ashamed of you, your still my daughter" he laughed at the expression on my face but it quickly changed and I hugged him.
"Thanks Daddy, I love you" I said.
"Love you to kiddo" He replied before I walked back up the stairs and into my room. I was tackled with a hug. Camila.
"I missed you" Camila said.
"I was gone for about two minutes" I laughed. 
"Two minutes too long" Camila said.
"Well I missed you two and just warning Dad saw us" I said. Camila looked at me worried. "Don't worry he's cool" I replied and she quickly smiled.
"So can I get this ship sailing or you guys still working stuff out?" Dinah asked. Camila took both her hands in mine and faced me.
"Y/N, I know this is all very fast and I don't know if I want to tell people at school yet but will you please be my girlfriend?" Camila asked. My smile grew and I nodded. She kissed me. There were 'awwww's from the two in the back but I didn't care cause in the first time in 7 years I was actually happy.
"Your right about school though, you can tell your g g group but lets j j just keep it a secret for now" I stuttered. Damn stutter.
"Yeah, I agree" Camila said. "Your cute when you stutter" she giggled.
"Your just cute" I replied and she kissed my cheek. 
"YES THIS SHIP IS SAILING" Dinah and Sam shouted. Camila and I laughed.

Note: Drama to come, maybe not next chapter but its coming

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