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Your POV

"So what now?" I asked. We had walked around the park holding hands for a while. She told me everything.

"I have no idea, obviously I want you back like so bad" Camila said. I laughed a little. "But I don't want you to get hurt" my smile dropped a little. She stopped and faced me taking both my hands. "No that doesn't mean I don't want to be with you cause I do with all my heart but I'm not letting you get hurt so we are staying away from Austin and Lauren cause I would hate myself if anything happened to you" Camila said. I smiled and hugged her. We slowly walked back hand in hand to pick up Sofi and the boys. We laughed as they all were running around like mad people.

"Y/N, MILA" Sofi shouted. They all ran to us. "Can we please go back to Y/N's Please please please" Sofi begged. I laughed and turned to Camila. She looked to me before looking back down.

"Why don't you ask Y/N?" Camila told Sofi. Sofi smiled and turned to me.

"Y/N can I?" Sofi said.

"Yeah of course" I smiled picking up Sofi. I held her with one arm and held Camila's hand with my free one. She smiled at me before quickly getting out her phone and taking a picture. She showed it to me.

"That is so cute" Camila said.

"Yeah" I said. "Come on guys let's go home" I said.

"Hey Y/N your speaking" Max said. I laughed and nodded.

"Wow Rex you were right Camila does have magic powers" Kenny said.

"I told you" Rex replied. Camila and I laughed before we all walked home.

"Y/N please can we get a drink and a snack" Max said. Kenny and Rex nodded beside him.

"You want something?" I asked Sofi who was still in my arms. She nodded. "Camila?" I said. Camila smiled and nodded. We all agreed and walked into the store. "What do you want?" I asked. They all were picking something out. Sofi pointed at some orange juice which I picked up for her. Camila was still holding my hand refusing to let go.

"Boys have you all picked" Camila said.

"No" they all called back. I looked at Camila and she smiled at me pecking my lips.

"Your such a cute little family" Camila and I turned to find a lady standing there. She had a daughter who looked about three. She was smiling at us.

"Oh, uh, we aren't married" Camila said. I laughed a little.

"Oh uh I'm sorry, when are you getting married?" The lady asked.

"No, sorry, those are my brother and this is her sister and she is my girlfriend" I said pointing to each one in turn.

"Oh right, I'm sorry" the woman said.

"No no it's okay" Camila said.

"Well you two are a cute couple" the woman replied. Camila and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Well I have to go bye girls" the woman said. We waved before she walked off.

"Right you ready guys?" I said. They all nodded and we walked to check out. After fighting over who would pay I finally won. We walked home and knocked on the door.

"Woah" Sam said.

"Hello to you to" I laughed.

"Has anyone told you that you guys look like a family or?" Sam asked.

"Yep" I replied.

"Twice" Camila added. The boys all ran past Sam and Sofi wiggled out of my arms running past Sam after the boys called for her. Camila and I walked in, still not letting go our hands and walked up to find Normani sitting in our room. Her mouth dropped when we walked in.

"I know they literally were standing at the door hand in hand the little boys in front of them and Sofi in Y/N arms" Sam said.

"Ok spill" Normani said. We both sat down on my bed Camila leaning her head on my shoulder. Camila explained everything and by the end Sam and Normani looked pretty mad.

"What the hell, they can't do that" Normani said. I decided to lye down cause I was kinda tired. Camila curled up next to me while we watched Sam and Normani pace around the room. Next thing I know Dinah and Ally are here to.

"I don't get this" Dinah said. "Like what is their problems, you two are like the most adorable couple in the history of whatever and ugh I'm just annoyed" Dinah continued. I was slowly drifting to sleep. I was tired. I have barely slept for ages and having Camila next to me makes me feel safe.

"Guys can we just chill, Y/N and I are together just not in front of people, so you guys can't tell anyone" Camila said as I fell asleep to ten girls all agreeing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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