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Your POV

I really don't like school. Like I mean in the UK you have your GCSE's which I did surprisingly well in. I mean Sam was all A's and A*'s as expected. I was predicted B's and C's but ended up getting B's and A's and I can thank Sam for that. I mean that non stop moaning about how I was going to fail if I didn't study irritated me so much I actually studied. On the other hand people know Camila and I are dating now. I was really surprised that most people didn't give a crap. I was expecting a lot of bulling or being called names but no. Nothing. I walked to my locker which was right next to Sam's and opened it. I was lunch but I needed something out of it. A note fell out as soon as I opened it. I frowned and bent down to pick it up. 'Meet me behind the school'. I have no idea who this is. I mean it's not hand writing I recognise. I shrugged deciding wether I should go or not. I guess I could. I walked slowly to the back of the school kinda hoping I would turn back but I didn't. I don't know what it was but I guess I just wanted to know. When I got there I was surprised to see Austin. "Um hi" I said confused on why he would want me.

"So, Y/N your going out with Camila right?" He asked.

"Uh yeah" I replied. What is all this about?

"Well she doesn't like you, who would" he said. I was trying to ignore him but I knew if he carried on I would get upset.

"Whatever" I said. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, hard. "Ow that hurts" I said trying to get him off me but he only took the other wrist.

"Stay away from her cause she's mine" he said. I forgot he liked her. I didn't have time to reply cause he kicked me in the stomach. I fell to the ground hitting my head hard while his friends came out of no where and started attacking me. Black.

Camila's POV

"Guys have you seen Y/N?" I asked. Y/N had been missing for nearly the whole of lunch and I was starting to get worried. She never misses lunch. The others shook their heads.

"No, we all had last period with you remember, she can't have gone far, maybe a teacher asked her to stay behind" Normani said trying to make me feel better. I nodded.

"Maybe" I mumbled. I tried to convince myself but the more I told myself that the more I didn't believe it. I couldn't concentrate for the rest of lunch as Y/N never turned up. The bell rang. I sighed and got up. I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder. I turned around hoping it was Y/N but found Dinah instead.

"Don't worry Mila, I'm sure she's fine" Dinah said. I nodded before she walked away.

"Come on let's get to class, Y/N will probably be waiting outside school as soon as we are finished" Sam said. I nodded. Hopefully.

Sam and I sat next to each other. I normally find Mr Nicks quite interesting but today I couldn't concentrate. I think he could tell cause he kept giving me worried looks but didn't say anything. I was in the middle of writing something when one of the staff walked in. She whispered something to Mr Nicks. "Uh Sam and Camila would you go with Miss Clark please" he said. I looked at Sam who was next to me and I could tell she was just as worried as me. We followed Miss Clark in complete silence until we saw Ryan waiting alone on a chair.

"What's going on?" Sam asked. Ryan shrugged and we both sat down next to him.

"So we have brought you three hear because earlier we found Y/N's body behind the school completely knocked out" Miss Clark said. While Sam and Ryan sat there shocked I burst into tears. Sam quickly grabbed me an pulled me into her. "We are sending you three to the hospital for the rest of the day" Miss Clark said.

"Wh what ha happened?" Ryan stuttered.

"That's what we are trying to find out, Y/N is not in too bad condition though" Miss Clark said but thy doesn't make the fact she is hurt any better.

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