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Note: I think half of my last chapter deleted when I posted it but I have no idea so I am going from where it says I updated to so if this doesn't make sense with the last chapter I'm sorry.

Your POV

"Babe you ok?" Camila asked waving her hand in front of me making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Uh y yeah" I replied. Camila and Lauren have been acting weird lately. Ever since my accident. I have tried to ignore it but I don't know.

"Y/N hello?" Camila said.

"I'm sorry" I said, we were at my house doing homework as I was back at school now, Sam went to Ally's and Abby and Dad were at work so it was just the boys and us. Camila put down her book and took mine off me.

"Y/N what's going on?" Camila asked. I could see concern in her eyes.

"No I was just thinking" I replied.

"What about?" Camila said.

"Just, well, you and Lauren have been acting weird lately" I said. Camila did the same thing like last week. She froze.

"Ok" Camila said. She sighed "its nothing honestly" Camila continued "it's just Lauren told me the other day that she still had feelings for me" Camila said. This time I froze. I had no idea what to think. I could feel tears in my eyes. This is it, I should have seen it coming.

"H how is this nothing?" I stuttered. Tears were burning in my eyes but I kept them in.

"Y/N, Y/N trust me, I am completely in love with you, nothing and I mean nothing, not Lauren's feelings for me or Austins or anyone will make me leave you because you are the one, I know you are" Camila said as I let a few tears slip.

"But how do you know that though?" I said.

"I just do" Camila simply said.

"I love you" I sobbed, Camila wrapped her arms around me.

"I love you too" she replied.

It was lunch the next day. I haven't listened at all today, not that I do anyway. I was walking down the hall to meet the girls when I heard someone call my name. "Y/N Y/N" I turned to find Brad running towards me. I stopped to let him catch up.

"Hey" I said once he had reached me an we continued walking. "Where's the others?" I asked. I mean he normally hangs out with his little group.

"Tristan is ill, Conner had to stay behind and James went to the music rooms" Brad smiled. He's really nice and cool.

"So your sitting with us I'm guessing" I laughed and he nodded.

"Yep, I haven't seen Lauren all day and I miss her" Brad said. Ugh I'm so annoyed at Lauren, she has a great guy but still likes the girl I'm madly in love with. I mean she had her chance but she left the beautiful amazing girl. When we reached the table both Camila and Lauren were missing.

"Hey where's Camila?" I asked. The others looked up and shrugged.

"BRAD" they all shouted getting up to hug him.

"Oh thanks guys I'm feeling the love" I said sitting down. Brad sat next to me as the others sat where they were before.

"Eh we see you all the time you know we love you" Normani said.

"Plus, Camila said if we touch you she will kill us" Dinah laughed.

"You two are so cute together" Brad commented.

"Thanks" I said. "I'm uh just going to go look for Camila" I said.

"Yeah tell the girl to hurry up" Sam said. I laughed and nodded. I began to walk away.

"IF YOU SEE LAUREN TELL HER I'M HERE" Brad called after me. I turned and put my thumbs up and continued walking. I walked to the cafeteria first, maybe she was getting lunch. I walked in and looked around but nothing. I shrugged and walked out, I walked around the whole building and nothing. I walked into the music room where James was scribbling stuff down in his book while holding his guitar.

"Hey" I said. He jumped a little, making me laugh and looked up.

"Oh hey Y/N" he replied. "What's up?" He asked.

"Have you seen Camila?" I asked.

"Oh I just had class with her and Camila they went off somewhere together" James said. I felt my heart ache slightly. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine" I mumbled off towards the end and walked out. I heard him call a bye but I was too worried to reply. Camila and Lauren together after Lauren told her she still has feelings for her is not a good sign. I walked to the closest bathroom to the room they were last in but paused outside the door to hear two girls shouting.

"LAUREN WHAT DON'T YOU GET" Camila shouted.

"WHY CAN'T YOU BE WITH ME HUH? Come on Camila you don't love Y/N, not really" Lauren said lowering her voice at the end and can I just say that hurt.

"Yeah I do Lauren, I'm sorry I don't know what to do, I am in love with Y/N and nothing can change that, not you, not anyone" Camila said.

"You still love me, I know you do" Lauren said.

"Yeah Lauren I do" My breathe hitched. "As a friend" I let out the breathe I had been holding.

"Kiss me" Lauren said. Oh hell no.

"What?" Camila sounded alarmed. I would go in but if Camila let Lauren kiss her then I knew she still liked her.

"Kiss me" Lauren said.

"No. Lauren, get off me" I heard Camila said and this time I burst through the door.

"GET OFF HER" I shouted. Lauren had pushed Camila against the wall but quickly moved back.

"Y/N this isn't what it looks like" Camila said. I already knew that so I ignored her and turned straight to Lauren.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said. I'm not a violent person but anger was building inside of me.

"She loves me Y/N and she always has" Lauren said, she was taller than me so I was kind of small and awkward but I still held my ground.

"Just get out" I said.

"No" Lauren replied.

"Don't make this difficult now GET OUT" I shouted. Lauren looked kinda scared which I was happy about and walked towards the door. "You don't deserve Brad, he loves you with everything and that still isn't enough cause you always want what you can't have" I said as I heard the door slam shut. I turned back to a worried looking Camila.

"Y/N I I promise I didn't do anything she pu-" Camila started but I cut her off by kissing her. I quickly deepened the kiss. We pulled back when air became an issue. Camila looked at me right in the eyes and once she had caught her breathe back she spoke. "What was that for?" She asked.

"Camila I know you didn't do anything, I was outside the door I heard some of it, when I heard you telling her to get off you I came in" I said. Camila smiled at me.

"I love you" Camila said. I pecked her lips.

"I love you too" I replied. I picked up her bag for her and took her hand in mine before we exited the bathroom and headed back towards the girls.

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