Three Words

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Your POV

I woke up as happy as can be. Everything was surprisingly okay for the first time in a long time and it felt good. I threw on a t-shirt, some jeans and my Vans and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Its Saturday, Dad had already left for work cause he works Monday till Saturday and the others were all sitting round the table apart from a few. "Hey, wheres Sam and Ryan?" I asked sitting on the end next to Max.

"Ryan is still asleep and where did Sam go again?" Max asked Abby who was sitting opposite us.

"Oh she went out with Ally, they left about 20 minutes ago, why? did you want her?" Abby asked.

"No, just wondering" I replied. I forgot her and Ally were going out today.

"Hey Y/N" Rex asked. I looked over to him and hummed. "Are you seeing Camila today?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Tell her we said hi" Kenny said.

"Okay, I will" I laughed.

"I like Camila, she's really pretty and makes you happy" Max said.

"I'm glad you do like her" I replied taking out my phone. I still hadn't told Kenny and the twins we were actually going out yet but I'm glad they like her already. I had six text messages. Its weird to see more than one name though, normally it would either be my siblings, Dad or Justin. One was from Sam saying where she was if I needed her, not that the name of the place meant anything to me. I am still new around here. The next one was from Dad telling me to have a good day, one was from Ally saying I was cute when I was asleep and that she sent a picture of me sleeping to Camila. Then the last three were from Camila.

Camila: Good Morning Beautiful xx

Camila: See you later xx

Camila: Ally sent me a picture of you sleeping, your so adorable xx

I rolled my eyes at the fact Ally sent the picture before quickly repling.

Me: Good Morning to the most beautiful girl in the world. I will see you later p.s I can't believe she sent you that xx

Once I sent it I looked up to the clock on the wall. I don't know why I didn't just use my phone but oh well. It was 11.00am. I never wake up this late. Weird. I had about 15 minutes till I had to leave cause I still had no idea how to get there. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed. I feel like I need to bring her something. Or her parents something. Oh man, I forgot about her parents. I felt my phone vibrate. I picked it up and saw it was from Camila.

Camila: I can't wait to see you, is it weird I miss you a lot even though I saw you yesterday? xx

Me: No, not at all cause I miss you to xx

Not to long after I got a reply.

Camila: My parents are excited to meet you xx

Me: They know who I am? xx

I replied and started pacing my room. What if they have expectations and I fail. What if they hate me? Wha-. I stopped pacing when I heard my phone start to ring. I picked it up and answered right away.

Me: Hello?

Camila: Hey babe

Me: Wow, I didn't even realize how much I missed your voice till now

I heard her giggle on the other end of the line although I was still confused on why she called.

Camila: I missed your voice to, but I could feel you getting nervous from here and I don't want you to be

The New Kid (Fifth Harmony- Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now