Chapter 3-Blood

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When I woke up,I saw Josh wearing a nurse uniform and I freaked out! He even wore make-up! I quickly stood up and functioned my brain back to normal and get ready if he try to attack me,as I prepare to run out of the infirmary,Josh pulled my shirt and whispered to my ears,"meet me in front your house at midnight,we need to meet the king as that's what all newbies do at their first night." As he let go of my shirt,I quickly ran to the classroom.

As I walked in the class and saw Mdm Sheena in the class and thought,"Darn it! It's now science class! I always hated science ever since I know the subject science in Primary 3!" As I walk towards Mdm Sheena's table,as she asked me where is Josh,and everyone in the class started saying ,"epp" or "chey" or even "oh" than suddenly he came in the class and stand in front of Mdm Sheena in a gangster way,Mdm Sheena scolded us saying how precious her science lessons are as I and Josh acted like we didn't care what shit she's talking about,but I was wondering why would Josh rebels against Mdm Sheena as he scored so high in his science even though he never try his best and all I score was a 'E' when I tried my best! I suddenly admired how he score so high without trying his best,and he suddenly whispered in my ear,"I can hear your thoughts". I shivered as I heard him say that,Mdm Sheena pulled Josh's ear and pulled me and Josh out the class and said,"You can be lovey dovey here,don't do it in the classroom." I tried to explain to Mdm Sheena it's not like that,but Josh pulled me away and said,"don't bother explaining to that make-up monster." Mdm Sheena said,"what a rude couple!" Josh pulled me to downstairs and said,"let's go home and meet the king immediately so we don't have to meet him that late." I quickly agreed as I saw his red eyes I became scared,and said,"you hungry?" He said that he is but under the King's rules,we are not allowed to hurt a human,but I suggested,"why don't we steal blood from the hospital,that's not called hurting a human right?" Josh eyes widened and wrapped his arms around me saying,"you are one smart kid!" I quickly pull his arms away from me and said,"you are a molester and I ain't a freaking kid!" As we are on the way to the hospital,he has been beaming in smiles all the way. He must have been eager to drink blood,I thought it was stupid...

When we reach the hospital blood room,I was so scared but my body did not shiver one bit...I grabbed onto Josh's shirt because I'm scared,I didn't tell him I was scared but he can feel that I was scared so he hugged me for a minute and than quickly ran towards the blood while I guard the door. I didn't know why I can still feel Josh's arms around me and didn't know why,but I wondered for a moment,the warmth from him is unbelievable for a vampire...

After a while,I saw a nurse heading towards the room so I quickly grabbed onto Josh and ran. But he was too obsessed with the blood to even move so I took the blood and immediately pulled him with me and jumped out the window,it was the scariest incident that could happen.

I slapped his face and made him awake from all the blood and he went back to normal,I shouted and scolded him. It was a big risk when the nurse is coming,so I punched him on the shoulder and shouted,"YOU DESERVED IT,YOU FREAKING BLOODSUCKING ASSHOLE!!" After I shouted,I calmed down and asked him to see the king now since its about to be night time. So he said something like,"magica sarula,bresas usis to helle!" And than wind surrounded us and we appeared in another place.

(I hope you like my story,I think my story is a bit long winded and my English is not good.....but I hope you like my story! keep track to Chapter 4-Hell)

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