Chapter 8-I Killed My Best Friend

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Clare's POV

Haizzz...The kiss was romantic,Usui and Jas are finally together.Nothing is more perfect than this two things,how I wish my life will stay forever perfect...Well,tomorrow is a Saturday,I am planning of a double-date of me,Josh,Usui and Jas...But before i plan the date,I need to go to school! Tomorrow is a national exam!! Gonna graduate!!!! Hope I get into the same school as Josh,Jas and Usui! And hope Josh and i will stay together forever...Need to get to school,ran away from mum as I avoided getting the bottle of blood...Well,I can starve for today. As I get out of the house,I smelled fresh air.Josh was there waiting for me.I ran into his arms and he kissed my forehead,how romantic can he be...I will love him forever..I hope..."Hey babe,wanna get a drink"he smiled.I shook my head and ran to school battling with Josh who was faster.In the end,he won. How can he? I got frustrated and avoided talking to him in class. 

*After school*

Josh came after me and saying how sorry he was,I was beaming in smiles and hugged him. Thirst begin to urge me,my eyes turned bright red! I begin to see things better and saw Jas walking out of school.Josh tried and stop me,but I pushed him away and ran to Jas. My fangs grew longer as I got nearer to Jas.Thirst was really horrifying,I sank my fangs in Jas's neck and begin sucking her blood.After I was full,I stopped and push Jas to the floor. I open my eyes widely as tears stream down my face,I killed my own best friend! I ask Josh to save her but her said it was no hope,i didn't beileve it and carried Jas home and begged my parents to help her.

After my parents saw what happened,mum slapped my face and said I disobeyed the king's rule,if the king knopws about this,he will kill me. I begin to panick as i look at Josh.  My parents said the best way is to turn her into one of us,I quickly agreed to whatever that can make her alive.


Enjoy the story? sorry i didn't write last weekend as I was studying for my PSLE,I need to study so I will write the next chapter the following week,sorry! I changed the chapter name into I killed a human,I didn't know what to write for Graduation as I haven't graduate yet...hope vote,comment and follow me,please stay tune to how Clare's parents turn jas into one of thhem,and Jas might suffer as bites cannot be with werewolf..Will Jas leave Usui or die with Usui or commit suiside? Stay tune! Please follow the great @BakaMiao ,her stories are amazing,read it if you like One Direction or One piece! Plus the dedication is not only to @BakaMiao,its to everyone that is loyal in reading my stories!

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