Chapter 7- Match-Maker Clare And The Kiss

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I just woke up planning how am I gonna make Usui and Jas fall in love with each other,just ask Usui how he fall in love with me and action begins!

After I finished planning,I looked at my phone,the time now is 7.15!!! Oh dammit! I'm late! I quickly ran and bath,brush my teeths and quickly ran to mum amd just take my bottle,filled with...plain water? Oh I don't care anymore...I can starve for today,I am LATE!!! I quickly ran out and saw Josh,he shouted at me,"CRAZY BITCH!!DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?!?! IT IS 7.15!!! WE ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL!! Anyways I didn't really gave a shit about school let's just buy bubble tea drink before we go to school,I know you love the drink,my treat." I smiled,"did you stalk me?" And nudged his chest,he chuckled.

After we bought the drink,we ran to school within 5 seconds and got caught by displine master,Mrs How,as we climbed the net to get in school. She scolded,nagged and we rolled my eyes. She frowned,"what is both of your names? I will have to call your parents up about your behaviours towards the teacher and I will inform your parents." I said,"Mrs How,I know we have disrespect towards you but we were tired,we didn't sleep well last night so don't call our parents." As my eyes turned bright red,she started to follow what I said. I was awed,these is one of my abilities.

Josh and I chuckled as we left for class leaving Mrs How there,we do that to Mdm Sheena too when we saw her in class and I told Mdm Sheena to leave the classroom and go back to her office room,she actually left! Josh placed his arms around my waist and whispered in my ears,"good job" and I nudged his chest and chuckled.

Usui frowned and growled at Josh,as Josh got angry,he almost wanted to have a fight with Usui so I went in front of Josh and whispered to him that I had a plan so I pulled Usui outside and talked,I can feel that Usui was blushing.

Josh's .P.O.V.
(Finally Josh can finally have his POV! Bet some of you are excited! Enjoy the story!)

Clare and Usui talked outside yhe classroom for about 5 minutes and haven't came back! Jas came to me and said,"bet you must be nervous because Clare's really stuck between you two,haizz...I haven't spend time with Clare after you two got together...Are you going to go to the same school as Clare next year? She is aiming for the secondary school right opposite her place,she wanted to go to a musical school but her parents disallowed amd said she must aim for the school opposite her place! She loves singing,writing songs and play with her instruments,she have a amazing passion towards music." I was awed that Clare's best friend can be so talkative and mostly...busybody...No wonder Clare said that we can never trust and talk to Jas too much. I smiled and looked outside as I didn't wanna talk to Jas too much,as I was looking ouside,Clare finally came back.

I ran towards Clare as I missed her,I hugged her and saw Usui having a smirk on his face looking at me so I quickly asked Clare did she choose Usui,she said,"calm down honey,I only asked how did he fall in fall in love with me so I could plan to use his weakness and let him fall in love with Jas now I am gonna talk to Jas." I was relieved and let her go.

Clare's .P.O.V.

"Hey Jas!Missed you!" I Hugged Jas as she said she talked to Josh and he ignored her,I laughed out loud and apologised for Josh,a smirk appeared over her face and pulled me in front and told me to sing a song or she'll never fogive me for ignoring her after dating Josh so I gave up and said I'll sing...

"Hey everyone! Can I have your attention since now is a free period I will sing here or not Jas will get pissed in the ASS! So here goes! It is a song from Demi Lovato,called Don't really care!

You wanna play,

You wanna stay

You wanna have it all

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