The Fix

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Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm sooo dead. so dead. Like what's deader than dead? Zombies? No, they are the undead. Vampires? Nooooo...same problem.

"SING!!!" I yell the moment I storm into my twin's room, frantic at the mess I've landed myself into.

"What the hell Kong? Why the fuck are you shouting? This is a small room and it's not like I'm lost in it." my bewildered brother exclaims, looking at me in alarm and slight irritation.

"I messed up. Like big time. An extinction level event kind of fuck up that I don't know how to fix. Boom. End of Kong's world."


"I. Fucked. Up." I practically cry the words, especially when I think about how royally I screwed up. I can't believe that I unknowingly agreed to a date with a girl I barely know in front of my P'. How stupid can I be? He must think that I don't want to see him or something, which couldn't be further from the truth.

"What happened?"

"May...then he...and I..." Apparently making sense is not a top priority in this moment based on the utter nonsense spilling from my mouth as I try to think of a way to explain what I don't even understand. What the hell just happened??

"Na, na. Just....calm down for a minute before you have a panic attack or something little brother."

I really, really hate when he calls me that but I digress.

I take a deep breath but I'm still feeling too restless so I start to pace back and forth, trying to work out my thoughts and muster up the nerve to explain to my brother that I basically just accepted a date on his behalf.

Okay, that part he probably won't care about so much since he's a bit of a player himself. He'll probably congratulate me on a job well done. Maybe give me a douchey fist bump like some frat boy but again, off topic.

"Soooo...I did something." I wince at the blatant self-recrimination I can hear in those words. Pretty sure even a deaf person could hear it, it was that fucking obvious.

Singto rolls his eyes at me in response but I'm honestly expecting that. He always tells me that I tend to be too dramatic about everything and that I need to chill but I think I am exhibiting the appropriate amount of panic here!

"Okay, I'll bite. What did you do?" his voice practically drips with sarcasm.

"So I was minding my own business..."

"Uh huh."

"Hazing was over and your classmates were talking to me about...something." I wave my hand in the air absently, the matter inconsequential to me.

"That's helpful. Can you be a bit more specific?" Cue the sarcasm from Sing but I was not to be deterred.

"Sorry, I was distracted at the time."

"By your P'Arthit no doubt."

I flush bright red at the accusation but shrug as it's pointless to deny it, Sing would just call me out on my bullshit if I tried.

"Anyways, I wasn't paying attention and somehow, I ended up with a date with a girl named May for the same day you...I mean me...I mean me pretending to be you...whatever...but for the same day one of us is supposed to meet P'Arthit."

There's a huge pause while my brother processes what I've just told him. "I'm sorry but could you repeat that? I think I misheard you, because I could swear you just told me that you scored another date for Saturday. Aren't you being greedy little brother? At least seduce all these guys and girls on your own time, not to mention under your own name."

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