The Decision

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I'm in a state of fog as I'm guided to a bench not far from the building, tears still streaking down my face as I try to comprehend how things could go so wrong, so fast. I'll spare everyone the gory details but let's just sum it up that I cried a little and May was surprisingly very quiet as she rubbed a hand over my back as I let out all my pent up emotions.

Finally, the tears started to dry up and I finally looked at my companion, silently wondering how she got involved in all that just went down.

"Feel better?"

I shrug in response. I'm not sure I feel better but I'm definitely calmer.

"I'm so sorry Kongpob. I just wanted to help you." May looks remorseful but again, I'm not exactly sure why she even feels the need to apologize. None of what happened was her fault.

Tilting my head in confusion, I try to read her face and posture to figure out what she means. I'm not ready to verbally ask yet as I am still trying to get my overwrought emotions wrangled under control.

She must understand what I'm trying to convey as she continues, "I thought I could help make your P'Arthit jealous but it seems I just made him angry instead." She sighs in defeat and props her head on hands, her arms resting on her knees as she moves to stare off into the distance.

I'm stunned speechless at her answer. Does she know about my feelings for P'Arthit?

"W-" I clear my throat of the phlegm that's caught in it and try again, "Why would you do that? How do you even know about that?"


Fucking Sing and his big mouth. I'm really going to kill him this time. Just like it's stated in 'Highlander'...there can be only one. Remember that phrase readers, there will be a pop quiz later.

"So what did my dear twin tell you exactly?"

"Everything. That you, Singto and P'Arthit were childhood friends. That you have a crush on P'Arthit since forever. That it was you all last week, not him and that you didn't mean to accept my confession." I glance at her guiltily at this but she doesn't notice as she continues in a monotone voice, still not looking at me, "That you switched places again at the mall. That you told P'Arthit that you were on a date with me instead of Singto."

"I...I'm so sorry May. What I did was unforgivable. What Sing and I both did was unfair to you and inconsiderate. I can only imagine how upset you must feel at finding out the truth."

She sighs before turning her head to look at me and gives me a small smile, "I admit I wasn't happy about it at first but then pieces started falling into place. How different you seemed that week, how distracted you had been when I asked. It's partially my fault for not paying better attention to realize that you didn't even know that I had asked you out! I was just so happy that you agreed at the time that I brushed it off in my excitement I guess."

She's really being too nice and understanding about this, even going so far as to try to help me when she didn't have to. May could have revealed everything to P'Arthit if she wanted or just simply washed her hands of the entire situation.

Not that it even seems to matter anymore. No...don't think about that just yet Kong.

"Still, I can't even imagine what you must have thought of us when you found out. You must've thought the worst."

"Oh I did." She chuckles to herself, "I had a few choice words for your brother and a good right hook to emphasize my feelings on the matter."

My jaw drops as I stare at her in both shock and amazement, "You?! You're the reason Sing has a black eye?"

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