The Mistake

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"Student ID 0103. Stand."

I stand up warily, not liking the tone of the head hazer as no doubt, I'm about to be punished for disappearing for a week.

"I'm so glad that you decided to join us today. Since you weren't here last week, your classmates had to shoulder your share of the punishments. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Not sure what to say, I keep it simple to avoid setting off the tall man standing in front of me, "I apologize for my absence P'."

"Don't tell me, tell them." he waves a hand indicating the rapt audience that is watching our exchange, "What do I care if you join in or not? I'm not the one who suffers when you don't bother to show up."

Looking away from P'Luck to look around the room, I call out, "I apologize for my absence."



"Good. Now go run laps until I tell you to stop and use the time to think carefully about your actions."

Carefully making my way around the other students, I see Mat and Jade giving me sympathetic looks out of the corner of my eye. In the background, I can hear P'Luck lecturing about taking responsibility for your actions and understanding how they affect others. It appears I'm being used as an example for a life lesson today. Oh fun.

I'm about 10 laps in and starting to sweat like a pig when I hear the head hazer call for me to return. I thank my lucky stars that we get to sit for the remainder of the time left as my legs are already feeling a bit shaky.

Damn, I'm outta shape. Need to build up some stamina or something because this is just pathetic.

Anyways, after more lecturing about what it means to be a responsible student, we are finally released from our uncomfortable positions of having our arms thrown over our fellow classmates next to us while staring at the ground, only to be told that we need to decide on a call representative by the end of the week.

A few low mutters are heard but thankfully the seniors don't comment on it. I know that no one wants that job as the person selected will no doubt be the sole focus of the hazer's punishments in the future.

Basically, they are the sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter to save its fellow sheep.

The hazers fill out of the room and the rest of us are left to stare at each other, eyes roaming over the room as we each try to individually decide who would be the best fit for the role. I catch a few eyes pausing on me before moving on and each time, I let out a sigh of relief. I am already in the senior's bad graces for not being here last week, who knows how it'll affect the entire class if I am voted for the spot.

Several groups have formed as they discuss it but a quick glance at my watch shows that it's already 5:10pm and if I want to make it to my brother's department in time, I have to get going. A few of my classmates try to get my attention as I'm leaving but I just mumble some excuses as I make my way out the door, not wanting to get stuck in a conversation that I can't get out of.

I'm grateful that there is a locker room nearby with showers so I take a quick 5 min rinse off before changing into my Economics uniform that I had worn before going to the freshman activities, that way, at least I will be in non-sweaty clothes. Since it's after school hours, I don't bother with the tie and leave a few buttons on my shirt undone to help dry the wetness still clinging to my body.

A quick check of my watch shows that it's already 5:25pm by the time I'm finished so I start making my way across campus to get to the Engineering hall, however, my laps from earlier have made my legs a bit sore so I'm slower going than I'd like.

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