The Game

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I couldn't have even planned this if I tried but if I had, then I would consider myself a goddamn genesis for the timing of it all.

Remember how I said I wanted to test P'Arthit's ability to tell between my brother and I? All his claims that he was able to do so constantly ringing in my ears and now I've been served the perfect opportunity on a silver platter, however unexpected it may be.

Singto and I are currently playing basketball on the courts with several of his classmates as I help them get ready for the freshman games coming up just around the corner. The seniors had successfully taunted them into signing up and I had been roped in by my brother to play as they were a man short this afternoon.

I didn't mind and it gave me a break from my own thoughts, to just shoot some hoops and joke around for an easy afternoon. About 30 minutes in, we were joined by spectators of the female persuasion, no doubt enjoying the view. Though I don't particularly understand what's so attractive about sweat but then I might change my mind if I ever saw P'Arthit looking all hot and sweaty....

Ahem. Sorry, got distracted there for a moment.

I didn't think much of our audience until I saw that Sing had made his way over to them and I heard him introduce himself as Kongpob. He ignored my pointed glare as he continued to chat with them about the upcoming contest, no doubt thinking he's doing me a favor by trying to win a few votes in my favor for the popularity tally but I could care less about that.

I wanted to win the University Moon title so that I could get my answers, that's my only goal.

So with this set-up, it should come as no surprise to any of you readers of who should appear next on the scene but P'Arthit, looking particularly handsome...I mean standoffish, with his fellow hazer friends.

"Hey guys, look! It's 0062 and his twin." calls out P'Bright from a few feet away as they approach the basketball courts and join my brother on the sidelines.

"So which twin are you?" P'Tutah asks curiously.

"This is Kongpob." pipes up one of the girls that Singto had been chatting with only moments before.

"Kongpob, huh? Helping your brother practice to win the Freshy games I see?"

"Yes P'." My brother gives a polite wai in greeting and I want to roll my eyes but I'm too busy trying to dribble the ball while paying attention to their conversation at the same time to afford the petty expression.

"What department are you in Nong? Why didn't you join Engineering with your brother? Don't twins do everything together?" continues P'Bright, curiosity written all over his face as he shoots out question after question, barely taking a breath in between.

P'Tutah is clearly annoyed at his friend's behavior as he smacks him upside the head to stop the ongoing stream, "He's in Economics stupid. Everyone knows that now after it got out about both twins being nominated for the Moon contest. You should pay more attention and you'd already know that."

"-the ball! Dude, pass the ball!"

I'm interrupted from eavesdropping as Wad calls me out for not paying attention to the play being made so I pass the ball and continue with the game, trying to sneak looks over to the group and P'Arthit in particular while still participating in the game.

The head hazer is following along with the Q&A but he stays silent, giving no indication that he even knows us, let alone if he knows that my brother and I have switched. I do catch his eyes drifting my way a few times but I can't figure out if it's at me specifically or checking on the skills of the freshmen competing on his faculty's behalf.

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