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"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled into the phone. My long hair clung to my coat as the rain poured down from the pay phone box. I clutched the phone tighter causing my knuckles to turn white.

. "You said it was only going to be 1,500 for this months payment?" I argued

"Sounds like a personal problem to me." the smokey voice on the other end of the phone said.

"Why the hell are ya trying to break my bank Sol? I barely have enough to get by!" I said

    "You should have thought about that before you left phantom, Redfox." I gritted my teeth at the statement. "you could always jack a couple people for the cash. You were always so good at that." he chuckled darkly. I hated myself for it everyday but he was right. I was damn talented at robbing and pickpocketing. But that was my old life. I left the gang a couple months ago, but I still had a debt I owed phantom lord.

"There ain't no way in hell I'm doing that" I spat.

Thoughts of my past sins went through my mind. Muggings were merely small things in comparison to the other atrocities I had committed. "Get us the fucking money, or we'll pay her a nice visit." Sol said with an evil smile in his voice.

God damn bastard I thought.

"NO! Don't you touch her!" I continued

I paused as I saw a small slender women walking past me down the street, into an alleyway. Knowing the area well, I figured she was walking in the direction of O'Sullivans, a pub just at the end of the alley. She wore an expensive coat and fancy shoes, probably more than half a grand guessing because they looked like leather.

I knew that if I didn't pay up, phantom would go after someone very precious to me. I worked a minimum wage job at a diner so there was no way I could get another grand by tomorrow.

I looked back at the woman walking down alley.

This is the last time, I swear.

"You'll get yer money tomorrow. Meet me at our usual place."

"Very good gaj-" I slammed the phone cutting him off.

Knowing that there was no other option, I started to follow the woman down the alley. I put my hoodie over my head and slid my favorite bandana that I wore as a headband and covered my face. Usually I would wear a ski mask but this was good enough to hide my identity.I approached her at a faster pace.

Women were typically easier to rob since most of them know that the likely hood of fighting a giant like me off was slim to none.

I pulled out my knife knowing that I wouldn't actually use it. It was just a tool to scare people. I was never a fan of guns just because they were loud and harder to hide.

Here we go I thought

Hello! This is my first time writing a fan fiction. I am in love with Gajevy. Its my favorite ship.
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