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We arrived at the Magnolia Rock Festival, which was full of fans walking through the streets. Hundreds of booths were on display which sold anything from records, to 80's memorabilia. Everywhere there were people dressed up in costumes from bands like KISS and Guns N' Roses which was pretty fun to see. One man was dressed as Freddie Mercury from Queen.

"Look Gajeel!" I pointed excited to see a member of my favorite band. The man had Freddie's iconic yellow jacket on and even had his fake teeth. He was pretty convincing and I wanted a picture. I pulled out my phone, "Excuse me Freddie" I said shyly. "Could I have a picture?"

"Of course darling." The fake Freddie said dragging out the 'ING' just like the real one.

I gave Gajeel my phone giving a big smile. He held my phone in his hands waiting for us to get into position."One. Two. Three." He turned the phone showing us the photo he just took. I walked closer to examine it. "Thats a keeper!" I grinned.

"I hope to see you at my show darlings." he said with a British accent. I waved at him as he walked away. I couldn't wait to see the show tonight. I turned to Gajeel all giddy with excitement. "I Just took a picture with Freddie!" I squealed. Gajeel crossed his arms. "He looked pretty damn real. I hope he sounds like the real thing tonight."

We spent the first couple hours walking around looking at the various booths around the festival. we stopped by an apparel booth which sold t-shirts, jewelry, and head bands. Gajeel took an interest to the head bands and I wondered over to the jewelry section. I ran my finger through the line of rings on display. A triangular ring, with a red gem in the middle caught my eye. The red reminded me of his eyes. I glanced at him, and I found myself caught in his gaze.

Lucy's words echoed through my head: "For example if he likes you he will catch little glances at you while you aren't looking"

I quickly looked back to the ring in my hands. My cheeks were slightly hot.

I guess I'm not the only one looking. Is this one of the signs Lucy was talking about?

I slid the ring on, "What do you think about this one?" I turned to him extending my arm out. "S'nice" he said averting his eyes from me.

There he goes again, being all distant.

"You didn't even look." I said a little irritated. I took off the ring a little, butt hurt and put it back.

I walked over to the outside part of the booth. Suddenly I smelled something I haven't eaten since I was living with mom. I lifted my head to the smell in the air. I took a wiff.

Hmmm funnel cake.

My stomach rumbled a little. The last time I ate funnel cake was when my mom made it back when she was alive. It brought back memories of her in the kitchen pouring sugar powder of the dough. "I'll be right back, I'm going to grab us a bite."

"Hey wait– where ya going?" Gajeel said. before he finished I was already running in the direction of the yummy smell. I turned the corner and saw a group of men crowding the booth that read 'Best Funnel Cakes In Ishgar'.

They weren't in costumes but they looked like a biker gang since they all shared the name patch. the symbol looked like a claw and a snaked mixed together with a dot on the top. I avoided cutting through them, so I slipped around the group. I found my self finally in line. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.

"I told you I would be back." I turned expecting to see Gajeel but instead a member of the biker gang was behind me. "Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else."

"I don't like cutters." he looked down at me clearly angry. My eyes grew wide. "Umm I'm sorry I just thought you were hanging out in front of the booth." I said trying to defuse the situation. He stepped closer to me brining his face closer to mine. "Well maybe I can forgive you if you give me a little kiss" he chuckled in a low tone. "What if I just give you your spot back" I trembled, turning my face away from the large man. "Not a chance" He started to lean down.

"Hey jack ass!" I whipped my head to the sound of Gajeel's voice. He was behind the larger man that was in my personal space. "Gajeel!" I called to him.

"Let her go Sol or I'm going–"

The large man named Sol turned to Gajeel now ignoring me entirely

He started laughing "Or you'll do what Gajeel?" He gave a nasty grin.

Wait...Gajeel knows this guy? I looked at Gajeel and his eyes were wide, but not like before. Instead of seeing rage, all I saw was fear in his eyes. His fists were clenched, showing the whites of his knuckles. "Because If I remember correctly, you still owe us a little something." he declared.

Gajeel's eyes darted to me, "Just leave her alone. Please." his fists dropped and he put his head down. Sol chuckled again. "Thats what I like to see. Submission." Gajeel gave a look of defeat, something I was not used to seeing. It pained me to see him so terrified of this man.

What did he do to him?

I ran in front of Gajeel "Leave before I call the police for sexual harassment and assault!"

The biker turned his face "Assault? I didn't lay a single finger on you." he stated.

"Who do you think the police are going to believe, me or a member of a biker gang." I boldly retorted. The mans eyes narrowed. "You don't know who you are dealing with little girl." he began to approach me.

"Levy what are you doing?" Gajeel shouted, grabbing my wrist. "Don't get yourself involved with these people." he said firmly. His eyes made my heart clench. I couldn't just let this man do this to Gajeel.

Using my other hand I grabbed my phone. I turned back around and took a picture of the man harassing us. "Now I have a picture of your face and a nice little story to tell the police." He stopped in his tracts. "Leave us alone, or I'll send it."

He stiffened. Guessing by his reaction he probably had a couple skeletons in the closet that he didn't want the cops to know about. "You just made the biggest mistake of your life." he chuckled and walked away from the food area.

Gajeel POV

As soon as he was out of sight, I grabbed Levy's arm and pulled her away behind a couple of trees. I let go of her as soon as we were in a secluded spot away from people.

I was furious. "What the hell kinda of stunt was that Levy!? Are you stupid or somethin!?" I yelled, getting in her face. Her mouth dropped, "What do you mean stupid!? I was trying to protect you from him!" Her eyebrows came together, and her eyes were like daggers.

"Do you understand what this means now? They are going to come after you, since you just threatened them." I realized that my face was only a couple of inches from hers. I looked down at her seeing how pretty see looked. My flames of fury now were put out. "Levy..." I trailed off. I backed up from her a little and looked away.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"I just do."

"Your lying. Gajeel you can tell me." she pleaded, grabbing my hand. Her skin was soft just like silk. My heart raced a little at her touch."Tell me." she squeezed my hand a little trying to encourage me. I turned my face back, meeting her hazel eyes.

Her eyes were like an angelic glow that saw into my soul. I couldn't resist, not when she was looking at me like that.

"I know because...I used to be one of them."

The Time I Stole her heartKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat