New Feelings

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Gajeel POV

Her eyes grew wide. "What? mean that–" I lifted the sleeve of my shirt which covered the tattoo on my shoulder. "See?" I said, giving her proof. Her hand released mine, now covering her mouth. I turned away from her once more, trying to avert my eyes from her all powerful gaze.

"You haven't...killed anyone right?" her voice trembled. I took a deep breath before answering. "No...not that I know of." I lowered my head slightly.

"Know of?! What do you mean know of?!" her voice flustered, gaining more volume, "Why would you ever get involved with people like that!"

I could understand her frustration, but the slight condescension in her voice, a common attitude of the privileged, pissed me off.

"Survival!" I snapped, now turning around to face her, "Something that you rich Fairy Tail kids would never understand!"

"Thats not an excuse for hurting people!" she protested.

"I'll let you in on a little secret shortie" I stepped a little closer. "No one goes to a group of monsters, unless it's their only option, and for us it was!" I blurted. "I did what I had to to get us off the streets. you would too if you had no parents, and were begging for food every single day!" I clench my teeth, knowing I shared more than

I intended too. My blood boiled at the fact that she had the audacity to judge me, when she came from a life of ease.

"We?" her tone now softer from before.

"Wendy, my sister. We didn't have parents. We were just homeless kids trying to escape the system." My voiced lowed to match hers. "I joined because I wanted a better life for her...a life where she didn't have to ask for money from strangers, and have to scavenge for a place to sleep at every night."

"So beating people up and stealing their money was a better option?" she countered.

I grunted, frustrated by her questions. She was right in the fact that I chose to live a dishonorable life, but I would have done anything to make sure Wendy lived a better life than I.

"The things I did were wrong, and I've already paid the price for choosing that life." I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

She just stood there, but I could tell her mind was deep in thought. I took a breath. "I'm not a good person to be around, so I understand if you want to go home now." reaching in my pocket, I pulled out my keys. I turned, prepared to walk in the direction of the car, when she spoke. "You are not a bad person Gajeel. My muscles went rigid. "You put yourself in danger twice to save a complete stranger. I can tell you work hard at your job, and you really care about your sister. That doesn't sound like a bad guy to me." My mouth opened, but nothing came out. I was speechless.

For the first time in my life I had people building me up instead of tearing me down. It gave me a new feeling that was unfamiliar to me. It was like a warm beam of sunlight casted on a cloudy day.

Leaves crunched as she approached, coming in front of me meeting my eyes. "Im sorry for judging your past, It was wrong." She extended her hand "But I feel like it would be more wrong missing out on this Queen concert." her mouth forming into a smile.

After all that she still wants to spend the day with me? This girl. She is like a breath of fresh air and at the same time a bolt of agonizing pain every time I'm around her. But even so I still want to walk by her side.

I reached my hand to meet hers. "You are somthin else you know that." I felt a little heat on my cheeks but I didn't care. It sounded silly, but her hand fit perfectly in mine like a puzzle piece. For some reason I found security in her touch, however I knew that the feeling wouldn't last for long knowing that the gang would probably come after her.


Levy POV

After the scuffle with the gang and our argument in the clearing, we spent the rest of the day listening to smaller bands at the festival. I finally got to eat my funnel cake and Gajeel got to buy a new head band. I looked at Gajeel as he adjusted the band around his hair.

It shocked me to think that a person could endure so much for someone else. I admired his love for his sister and his dedication to protecting people. It showed a little softer side from course exterior.

I found my self blushing at the memory of him being to close to my face. I almost wished he would have kissed me. "Hey are you feeling okay? Ya look a little sun burned."

"Umm" I stuttered, shaking the thought from my head. "It's okay the sun is going down, so I think I'll be okay." I lied.

"Come one. The concert is going to start soon. We should get there a little early so we can get a good spot." I smiled, nodding at his statement. I couldn't help but get a excited for the best cover band of all time. "I can't wait! This is going to be awesome!" I gleamed.

The walk to the arena was pretty long since it was the farthest part of the entire festival. Luckily the concert was free, but it was also first come, first serve. It was a good thing that Gajeel thought of getting there an hour early.

We walked through the doors arriving to a large space enough to fill thousands. There were already a lot of people inside occupying the front row, but there were still plenty of good spots available. I frowned realizing there were no seats, and worried that I wouldn't be able to see because of my height. "At least there are screens so I can see" I said out loud.

Gajeel chuckled, "You'll be able to see Freddie don't worry shortie" He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Stupid Gajeel." I grumbled. I couldn't stand how smug he looked every time he teased me. "Why do you always have to make fun of my height?" I lightly hit his arm. "Cuz yer so damn small, just like a fairy."

I couldn't help but laugh at his comparison. "You know in some cultures, fairies are suppose to be like pranksters, or even malevolent–hiding precious items from humans and even stealing children from their mothers" I narrowed my eyes trying to seem villainous.

He lifted his head in a howl of laughter. After practically dying of laughter, he wiped a fake tear from his eye."Ya would't hurt a fly" he finished off while a giggle.

"How do you know?" I asserted, crossing my arms.

He became a little more serious "Because. Yer a protecter."


"You instinctively try to help and prevent people from harm, I know a bad egg when I see it, and Levy Mcgarden is not it." he patted my head.

I blush slightly at the gesture.

"He'll find an excuse to try to touch you if he is really into you" Lucy's voice echoed again.

2 out of 3!

Now my face was like a tomato.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin." The lights of the arena started to swirl around projecting reds and purples on the stage. Suddenly I noticed there were thousands of fans around us.

When did everyone get here? Has it already been an hour?

"Please put your hands together for the official cover band of Queen!" the announcer said.

Gajeel and I both looked at each other with excitement. My eyes kept shifting back and forth from the stage to the big screen waiting for Freddie to come out.

And finally, with out missing a beat, fake Freddie, strutted out with the rest of the band. I looked at the screen since it was a easier for me too see. "They look just like them!" I said amazed. They were dressed up like it was live aid, Freddie with his iconic white tank top, and the studded arm band.

The crowd cheered full of excitement. Freddie approached the piano taking a seat and adjusting it a bit. I reached up on my tip toes to see the stage.

Damn it. Still too short!

A pair of hands grabbed my waist, and suddenly I was lifted in the air and onto a firm pair of shoulders. I screamed a little surprised by the motion, and grabbed the first thing my hands felt, which happened to be Gajeel face.

A muffled "ouch" came from his face.

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