The Ring

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"Excuse me miss?" I tried to say in a light tone

As she turned I pushed her into a wall.

"HEY WHAT THE HE-" her eyes widened when she saw my knife pointed at her.

Her eyes were a light brown. Soft but also full of terror. The hood of her raincoat covered most of her features, but I could tell she was a pretty girl.

"Give me yer wallet and nobody gets hurt." I said in an intimidating tone.

"Please don't hurt me!" she whimpered

I felt like shit. I swore that I would never rob a single person again after I left the gang but my debt with the them was yet to be payed off. This was the only thing I was good at. The only thing I knew.

"Now give my yer wallet!" I yelled. As she reached in to her coat pocket to pull out her wallet I noticed something on her finger that peaked my interest.

A blue sapphire in the shape of a heart rested on the band she wore. It was defiantly worth a couple grand or so. I eyed it thinking of how I could have a little cushion between payments if I pawned the ring off somewhere.

"Hand the ring over too sweetheart." I demanded

"No please, anything but this!" the small girl said. She hid her tiny hand away from me. I pointed the knife closer to her throat. 

"Hand the damn ring over NOW." I shouted trying to add more pressure to the situation but I could hear my tone wavering. I did not want to hurt her at all, so I tried to rely on the fear factor.

"You don't have to do this" she said softly, almost pleading. The words made my stomach drop. I felt like she could see through me. "No I do." I reminded myself, that I was doing this for someone else not for myself.

Suddenly her eyes hardened."This ring means everything to me. Please!"

Hearing the conviction in her voice almost made me let her go, but judging from what she was wearing, she was wealthy and I needed that ring more than she did. Wanting to get the situation over with, I grabbed her hand and began to wiggle the ring off her.

Suddenly I heard the voice of another woman echo down the alley. "Levy where are you?" Panicked I turned my head towards the voice, and then felt a pain in my thigh. "AHH" I yelled.

Some how, some way, this little shrimp directed my knife down into my leg. "tsk" I hissed in pain. My grip on her loosened and she pried herself from between me and the wall. "Help me, I'm right here!" She yelled running in the opposite direction.

That was my cue to leave. I sucked in some air and willed myself to start running, despite the knife still being jammed into my thigh. I ran as fast as I could around the corner and down another alleyway and back onto an isolated residential street. I took off my bandana and stuffed it into my pocket not wanting to look like a mugger even though I was one.

I slid down to on the ground dreading the pain, but I knew I had to take the knife out.
"Fuck me" I said out loud. I could see my jeans were already stained a deep red.

I could go to St. Mary's and have miss Porlyusica patch me up I thought But then the fuzz would probably check there too.

I wondered if I really had the balls to take the knife out myself.

"Well, I aint ever been a pansy and I sure as hell aint about to start today." I reassured myself.

I put my hand on the hilt of the knife and with one strong pull I removed it from my leg.


I tied the bandana around my leg hopping it would lessen the bleeding. I looked at the street sign. It read Magnolia road. Just a couple streets down from my place. "Thank god."

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