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Levy's POV

"NO please stop! Please don't take it!" I cried out.

"LEVY! Levy wake up!" My eyes flew open. My heart was racing and I was sweating bullets.

"Whaa what happened?" I said with a groggy tone.

"You were having another nightmare. This is becoming an almost every night thing lev. Im worried about you!" Lucy my best friend said.

I've known Lucy since high school and now we were room mates in college. The night of the robbery she was the one who called out my name and saved me from that lunatic. If it wasn't for her who knows what would have happened.

"I'm fine Lu. Really you don't have to worry." I put on a fake smile hoping she would buy it and go back to her room.

She gave me the look that every concerned best friend gives. "Of course I'm worried. A freaking crazy person mugged you and took your-" I interrupted her "You don't have to remind me every time Lucy" I tried to say as politely as possible, but I couldn't help my sharp tone.

She sighed. "I know it was only a month ago, but i really think you should come out of the dorms once in a while. If it'll make you feel better, we can go out in a big group so nothing happens."

I looked down at my hand and saw the thin white line that wrapped around my ring finger.  That ring meant everything to me and now its gone.

Even though it had been a month ago, it was still so fresh in my mind. I closed my eyes:

"You don't have to do this" I said.

"No I do" the robber said.

I couldn't see his face but his voice was off. Almost emotional. What did he mean by that. No one is forced to commit crimes. That didn't make any sense to me.

I opened my eyes coming back to reality.

"So how about it?" Lucy continued

If she would have asked before the incident I would have gladly accepted. I loved to go out with Lucy. It was always fun watching her dance and shut down guys that tried to ask her out. Even though I wasn't an extravert, I still loved to go to new places and experience new things.

"Okay fine. I'll do it for you Lu" I gave a half hearted smile. I mean after all I was still very grateful for her support and her impeccable timing during the whole ordeal.

"GREAT!" she squealed "Im going to set you up with Natsu's friend toooo!" She sung excitedly.

"Okay. Now your crossing the line." I stated firmly. "No way I'm going out with a guy I don't even know." I argued

"Well his name is Gajeel, and he works at Natsu's fathers diner. He's coming along and doesn't know anybody so I mentioned you."

"Wait you already told them that I was going?"

"What are best friends for?" she gave a guilty but cheeky smile.

I gave her an evil look. I hadn't been on a date since droy in high school. I shivered at the thought of him now. You would think that the freshman fifteen wasn't really a thing but for droy it wasn't just 15 it was more like 50.

"This wont be like droy. This guy is big but in a good way" Lucy chuckled.

I raised an eyebrow. Well it couldn't be any worse than high school

"You are so extra sometimes you know that?" I joked

Gajeels POV

It was already around 6 and Natsu wasn't even at my place yet. I took out my flip phone just to make sure he said the right time:

I"ll be there in 10 mins -N

Ya said that 30 min ago dude I replied

I heard a knock at the door and opened it and was surprised to see Natsu.

"Whats up Gajeel. You ready to go dance with some hotties or what?"

"Whatever man, I just came cuz you invited me in front on my boss."

"Aww come on man, you just looked liked you needed to loosen up a bit. Lucy told me that she brought her friend along too." he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Are we leavin' or not?"

Natsu gave me a disappointed sigh "Yea come on.." We both left the apartment. We walked to his car and my daw dropped a little. "You drive a frickin Cadillac?!" "

"Yea man its no big deal got it on my 17th birthday, so its like two years old already, I'll probably upgrade it la-" I cut him off "Save the sob story" I said bluntly as i entered the passenger seat.

Frickin rich kids I thought.

Being surrounded by fancy things made me real uncomfortable. He was the type of person I would often target, back when I was with Phantom. Rich kids with nice rides, it was too easy. I shook my head trying not to think of gang life. "Whats wrong man?" Natsu said noticing my reaction. "nothing." "Would it hurt you to relax your gunna weird the girls out with this whole 'stick up your butt' vibe. Try to look forward to that chick my girls bringing for ya" Natsu chuckled.

"For me?"

"Whoops did that slip out" he nervously laughed

Oh great now I have to play babysitter with a random ass chick

"Well she better be cute"

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