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Levy POV

I came onto him like a starving animal consuming their first meal in weeks. I don't know why, but arousal took a hold of my mind and body like a demonic possession. This was an itch that needed to be scratched immediately.

I smashed my lips against him craving more of what I tasted earlier today. My tongue found it's way in his mouth, assaulting it's counterpart. He counterattacked, matching my intensity.

I moaned his name. As his large warm hands moved over my skin, mine dropped to his chiseled chest.

My god.

I knew I liked him–I mean he was rough around the edges, but beneath all of that I could tell he was good. He was the first person in a while that I opened up to about my life, and he seemed to genuinely care about it.

With all that happened today, my heart was now in cahoots with my body to consume, and to be consumed.

My hand slid down from his chest to his thigh. Out of no where, I felt his hand on mine stopping me from going any further. "Levy", he said firmly. He pulled away from me, sitting up. He exhaled in frustration.

I froze.

"I...can't I'm sorry" he turned his face away.

Was there something wrong with me? I felt like I got slapped in the face with rejection.

I covered my face with both hands, scolding myself for letting naughty thoughts cloud my judgement. Embarrassment caused me to sprint into the bathroom.

I plopped on the toilet cringing at the whole mess.

What the hell was I thinking, coming onto him like that?

A knock on the door caused me to jump. "Shrimp?" He knocked again but I proceeded to ignore him. "Open the door and talk to me."

I pulled my legs up onto the toilet cradling them with my arms. I just wanted to hide away from Gajeel and the sting of rejection.

I heard a slide on the door, and a thud hit the ground. He took a long sigh. "Lev..I" he paused "It's not like I don't want ya." He took a deep breath, "But there's things I gotta do first before anything happens."

What the hell is that suppose to mean?

That sounded like he would be going away. I definitely didn't want that. He was always so cloak and dagger about everything. It was frustrating–every step forward was followed by two steps back. There was always something he wasn't saying.

"Why can't you just tell me?" I threw my hands down, now angry at the fact he was being distant again. "Everything is always a secret with you."

I took a step toward the door. "If you don't want to be honest with me, then just leave me alone." I retorted. I didn't really want him to leave but maybe that would get him to budge.

He didn't say a word or even make a noise. I was worried that he would just block the door until I gave him a fulfilling answer.

"Gajeel?" Still no response. I extended my hand reaching for the knob. I opened the door, without any resistance from a sitting Gajeel, to find an empty room.

When did he get up? I didn't even hear him move. Did he leave?

"Gajeel?! Where are you?"

I scanned every part of the room, but sure enough he was gone.

Hands found my hair, pulling on the roots with intense frustration. He did this the very first time we met, and that didn't sit well.

"You said you would stay...stupid." I spoke out loud, even though I knew he was gone. I battled with myself trying not to get more angry than I already was. I lifted my hands from my head and went straight to my pillow to let everything out.

Gajeel POV

I sat outside her dorm hearing her frustration through the walls. I wasn't going back on what I said–I would stay the night, just not the way she wanted me to. Luckily no one was out and about in the hallways. I really didn't feel like getting questioned by strangers as to why I was sitting in the hallway outside of the dorms.

I'm right here shortie

I rested my head on the wall next to the door.

Man this is so fucked.

Stopping myself was one of the hardest things I had ever done in my life. I couldn't take her now. It wasn't right.

When she reached for my thigh, I felt a sting of where I was stabbed. I wasn't even mad, she was defending herself. But feeling that, snapped me out of it.

If I was her I wouldn't forgive me.

The next morning I awoke to a pink haired man kicking my boot.

"Damn what the hell happened to you?" Natsu questioned. I groaned feeling stiff in my back from essentially sleeping propped up against the wall. I rubbed the spot where it was the most sore and began to get up.

"None of yer damn business." I groaned again, trying to crack the tension in my vertebrae.

"You know..come to think of it, Im seeing you here a lot." he wiggled his brows. Natsu always found a way to pester me, but today was just not the day. Wendy still needed to be checked up on and I needed to start figuring out my game plan for how I was going to get this ring back. I didn't have time to mess around, there was too much to do.

"What time is it."

"S' seven. I actually came up to see if Levy wanted to come grab food with us. You can come too."

"Can't sorry." I walked away leaving him in front of Levy's room. I didn't really care if I seemed like a dick, but my priority was to find the ring. I didn't have time to play games, I had to get my shit together. For Wendy, and for Levy.

I could work two jobs. Or maybe wait tables and wash dishes. If I am really good I can get a decent amount of tips since lots of folks eat there.

I went through a number of options in my head from playing guitar in bars to putting out ads for a roommate to help pay the rent.

No I can't do that if Wendy is going to be staying with me. Damn but thats going to increase expenses.

I plopped inside my car plotting the next couple months of my life financially. I knew it was going to be months of sleepless nights, but I was determined.

I looked up to where Levys room was on the third floor.

I'll get it back to you I promise. But wait for me until then.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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