Catch and Release

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Levy POV

"What?!" I snapped by head back to him.

He likes me?

My heart pounded in my ears. Suddenly I could feel the heat from his body approach mine. It was a warmth I welcomed–it consumed me. His lips slowly touched mine, melting my nerves away. His lips were firm yet soft, sending chills–even though I felt like my body was on fire. My arms moved on their own crossing around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Every part of his touch was electric.

It felt like forever, but suddenly we both pulled back gasping for air. As I let go I felt a new desire–it was fascinating.

I gazed into his red rubies, noticing a wildness in them. The invisible wall that was once there, was now gone. I could feel it. Or the lack of it.

He looked down toward his pants . His hand slid in and out of his pocket and between his thumb and finger was a band with a red gem that reminded me so much of his beautiful eyes.

A hand flew to my face covering my mouth, trying to hold in my shock.

"I though ya might want this." He lifted the unoccupied hand and slid the ring where my mother's heirloom once was. He was paying attention the entire time? The ring that I wanted at the festival, but did not get, was now on my finger.

He was much more observant that I gave him credit for. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Memories of what had happened to mom, the mugging, having her ring being stolen, came rushing through me. The taste of salt touched my tongue, and my breathing became staggered.

"Hey...why are ya crying for?" he said wiping a tear from my cheek then putting a large arm around me.

This must look really attractive. I thought sarcastically.

I decided that since he opened his world to me that it was only fair that I did the same.

"W-w" My voice broke. I paused trying to keep more tears from falling. I took a breath. "What you gave me.....It just reminded me of my mom and her ring"

His body stiffened beside me. "When she died....she gave me her ring." Despite my best efforts of trying to keep my composure, hearing those three words felt like a knife in my chest all over again. "It was a beautiful sapphire in the shape of a heart, and now it's


I sat their and explained the events of that terrifying night, of how I was robbed right outside of O'sullivans–and how a random man decided to take my mothers ring.

Just as I was getting comfortable in his arms, I felt his grip loosen, and he pushed me away so that our eyes met.

"Levy, I'm sorry."

The way he said 'Im sorry' wasn't sympathetic, it sounded more apologetic. They weren't some generic reply that most people said because it was socially acceptable. They were genuine. His eyes shifted down, and removed his hands from my sides.

I could tell there was something else he wanted to say, but for now it would remain a secret.

Gajeel POV

Fuck. What the fuck was I thinking. are a fucking idiot.

I scolded my self for being so stupid for getting carried away with her. I got comfortable, and I forgot when Wendy woke up. I forgot what I did to Levy.

For the first time in months I was happy, and that happiness caused me to lower my guard, open up and kiss her. And now in a single instant, it was gone.

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