{Fifty Five}

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  It was early in the morning, earlier than I usually get up. I was still laying on the couch, I had a dream last night that Noah woke me up, and was going on about something. But I usually don't remember my dreams. I looked over at the bed and there was Noah.

   I looked over at his night stand, 4:47.  I still had another hour until I got up.  I searched around on Noah's couch, looking for my phone.  But then I remembered I dropped it yesterday and it cracked. Love that for me. I sat there, in silence. Waiting, waiting for something to happen. Noah muffled around a little, but that was it.

   Noah made me happy, but so did Finn. And Finn was my truly first love. He was my first kiss. I can't take that back, I can't take those memories back. He made me feels things no one else did. But Noah, Noah acts like I'm the only star in the night sky, like a precious diamond. Not just when he wants too, but all the time. Finn only did that if he felt like it.

   A cold burst of wind came into Noah's room, making me really cold. I got up trying to be quite as possible, I walked over to Noah's closet and grabbed a pair of his sweet pants. I slowly slid my pants down, and kind of tossed them. But they hit the wall making a small thud, before I knew it. Noah's light turned on and there Noah was starring at me with no pants on. Besides my underwear, and one of his small shirts.

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