Part 7

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Cinder yanked her hand down in her lap.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Kai shifted in his seat. "If it's too personal you don't have to tell."
"I just trusted the wrong people at the wrong time." Cinder mumbled.
"Um..." Kai raised an eyebrow.
"No, I'm just kidding with you." Cinder laughed. "It was a fire..."
"And you only got your hand?" Kai asked as he turned onto the next street.
"I didn't say how big the fire was."
"Ok how big was the fire?" Kai sighed.
"That is something I rather keep to myself." Cinder shifted so her body faced more towards her window.
"Oh that's alright." Kai smiled.
That smile, the smile that made all the girls melt at the sight, the one she spent countless nights dreaming about, the ones that always reached his eyes, the ones that are hers. Well, her's for just a little while and not her's to touch. But hers!
"Is that why you wear gloves?" Kai's words brought her out of her train of thought.
"Um yeah. Was it weird?" Cinder laughed nervously.
"I don't think anyone really thought about it." Kai shrugged.
"Iko called me a dweeb for them." Cinder laughed.
"You are far from a dweeb." Kai laughed. "So now that I know your dirty little secret, can I hold your left hand?"
"I don't think you want to." Cinder said.
"Why wouldn't I want to hold my fake girlfriend's hand?" Kai asked dramatically.
"It might feel weird. It is just practically scared tissue." Cinder shrugged.
"Let me be the judge of that." Kai placed his right hand in the air for her to grab.
Cinder looked down at his hand, down to hers, back to his. She carefully placed her left hand in his. He then intertwined their fingers and gave her a squeeze.
"It's a perfect hand. You should never hide it again." Kai pulled their hands toward her mouth and placed a kiss on the back of hers.
It was perfect in every way except for Cinder was having a panic attack about the fact that her hand that rarely gets touch is being held and for the fact that Kai has kissed her again.
"Um Kai." Cinder said weakly.
"Yeah. Are you ok?" Kai glances at her before looking back at the road.
"Yeah, but this is a lot of physical touch for me and I might pass out." Cinder pushed out a laugh.
"Oh yeah, sorry." Kai placed her hand back in her lap. "Are you going all Kaz on me again?"
"How much do you love the Grishaverse?" Cinder laughed.
"I'm kinda obsessed." Kai laughed with her. (But really you have to read the books, the new one is coming out soon and the author said that it is being turned into a Netflix show.)
"It is a pretty good series." Cinder said.
As Kai drove the car Cinder looked out and watched the sun creep down the sky, bringing the full moon up and showing its glory.
"Oh we are are almost at the restaurant." Kai said as he turned onto the next street.
"Here we are." Kai said as he pulled into the parking lot.
"What is this place?" Cinder asked as Kai walked around to open her door.
"Dimanche." Kai said as he helped her out of the car.
"The name of this place literally means Sunday." Cinder laughed.
"Is there a problem with that?" Kai raised an eyebrow at her.
"No just trying to sound smart." Cinder shrugged as they began to walk towards the entrance.
"My dad said that my mom and him would come here for dates all the time before they married." Kai smiled at her. "So I thought that this would be the prefect place to take my fake girlfriend."
"That is perfect, in a weird ironic screwed up way." Cinder said.
Kai smiled at her before opening the door leading her to the inside of the restaurant.
"Hello, welcome to Dimanche." A hostess came up to them.
    "Hi, we have a reservation for Crown."Kai said politely.
    "Of course let me take a look." The hostess said as she looked down the iPad on the podium. "Ah, Crown for table 13. Come this way please."
     Cinder and Kai weaves through the tables, on table caught her eye when she saw a young girl smile happily at her plate then at her, what Cinder was assuming, her grandmother. Cinder looked back one more time before focusing on finding their table.
    "Right here." The hostess said as she she pulled out a seat for Cinder.
    "Oh thank you." Cinder mumbled as she sat.
    "Your waiter will be with in a quick minute." The hostess gave a quick bow and left.
    "This place is amazing!" Cinder said as she looked at all the designs and people.
    Kai leaned forward, "See that red head over there. She had a pixie cut."
   "Yeah, I noticed her earlier." Cinder said looking between him and the girl.
    "That's Lucy Fuji. And the lady sitting with her is her grandmother. She owns the building next door. She is known by everyone." Kai spoke to Cinder.
    "Ok, is this like going to affect our relationship or anything? Because..." Cinder waved her hand as a sign for him to answer.
    "Nope, The Fuji's Just happen to be nice people and you should know who they are." Kai shrugged.
    "Hello," Said a man as their conversation died down. "My name is John and I will be your waiter for tonight. Can I get you started with anything?"
    "May I please get a raspberry iced tea." Cinder ordered.
     "And may I please have a green tea?" Kai asked.
    "Of course your drinks will be right up."
     "A green tea, seriously?" Cinder smiled as she scoffed.
     "Do you have a problem with that?" Kai asked playfully.
     "Um actually I do because green tea is something you drink at home and not in a restaurant." Cinder said as she looked at her menu.
    "Where is this coming from." Kai said as he looked at her pointedly.
     "I don't know. You're just really fun to mess with." Cinder said as she looked more at her menu. "Oh I think I will get the ratatouille because it is the only thing I can pronounce and it seems like the safest bet for me." Cinder said as she placed her menu down.
"You know ratatouille does sound good. I think I will get that too. And also I can pronounce like three other things and then the rest is just pure luck." Kai said as he put their menus into a neat pile.
Kai ordered their meals and the two would fall into easy conversations as they ate until they got the check.
"How much was my dinner?" Cinder asked as she pulled some money from her dress pocket.
"Funny of you to think I am going to let you pay for your meal." Kai said as he placed a debit card on the check.
"Funny of you to think that I am going to let you pay for my meal." Cinder said as she placed a twenty and a ten in front of him.
"Cinder." Kai said as he slid the money back.
"No let me-" Cinder attempted to give the money back.
"Cinder." Kai snapped back.
Cinder shot her hands up, "Ok fine."
The waiter came to take the check and came back a minute later.
"Thank you for spending your time here. Please come again." The hostess said as they left.
Cinder got in her seat before Kai could even come around to open the door for her.
Kai sat in the driver seat and sighed before turning to her. "I didn't mean to snap back there."
"It's fine." Cinder said. "Can you just start the car so we can go?"
"You are going to have to share a hotel room with me so might as well talk this over now." Kai said as he started the car.
"There is nothing to talk over, we are both stubborn and you let it get the best of you in that second." Cinder said.
"Oh really so you aren't mad at me?" Kai asked.
"No I'm not I'm just tired." Cinder snapped at him.
"Ok please talk to me." Kai begged.
"What is there to talk about?" Cinder asked annoyed.
"Why did you want to pay so desperately?" Kai asked.
"Because its a decent thing to do." Cinder said.
"No." Kai said as he pulled the car over. "Why did you want to pay?"
"Because we aren't even a real couple and you are treating me like I am your really girlfriend!" Cinder yelled.
"Yes because it's a decent thing to do." Kai yelled back.
"Please because this is how everyone treats their fake girlfriend." Cinder said sarcastically.
"I'm doing it because I like you!" Kai said before freezing.
"What?" Cinder asked quietly.
"I am doing this because I really want to know you and I actually want to have a chance with you. But I get it if it's all too much." Kai shook his. "I'm sorry we-"
Cinder grabbed Kai's face as she pulled him in for a kiss. She pulled away looking for any sign in his eyes. Kai wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and gently pulled her back in for another kiss.

Yay a confession and a kiss!

And the restaurant they went to, Dimanche is from a WEBTOON or webcomic called "Groumet Hounds" And the two random people I mentioned are from that webcomic too. So yeah.
-Socially awkward butterfly

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