Chapter 9

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As soon as my cup was empty, Charles stepped out from the shadows and removed it.

"I need another." I said.

"Of course, sholry." Charles replied. Adam switched on the kettle and I watched Charles spoon coffee granules into my cup. When the water was hot, he filled the cup and bought it to me, placing it carefully in front of me, his gaze averted from me.

"Why do you not look at me, Charles?"

"I am not worthy, your highness."

"I shall consider your worth, not you." I snapped. "I admire your loyalty to Grant."

"Thank you, your highness. I feel privileged to serve him." He bowed low.

"Now you have found me, what happens now?" I asked Grant.

"You return to Ventis with us. You need to reclaim your birthright." Grant replied brightly, dimples emerging on his cheeks, although he still studied the book.

"My parents....?"

Grant looked up from my words, and studied me, his expression turning grave. "They pined, like me. They lost the will to live."

"They're...dead?" I asked softly. He took my hand, gently rubbing his thumb across my knuckles as he explained.

"They lingered, always hoping for a ransom demand for your return. They offered vast sums of money for information leading to your recovery. As each search party returned without news, hope died a little further within them. Hope will sustain many, but for some it's not enough. They blamed themselves for your disappearance. Their guilt and anguish became too much for them to bear. They are no longer with us."

"They're...dead?" I repeated. I was dismayed.

"Yes, sholry. I'm sorry."

I felt hollow inside. I'd hoped for better news. I couldn't recall my parents, and I wanted to see them, to let them see me as an adult. That would not be possible now. I was alone, just like I had come to assume. An orphan and out of their birthplace.

"You're not alone. Not any more. I'm here. Others will join us shortly." Grant soothed, his thumb continuing to rub my knuckles gently.

"How can I leave here? Where do we go? How far is it? I'm a woman, and certainly not as fit as you are. How will I fit in there?"

"Sholry..." Grant sighed, although he smiled. "You are royalty, a high born female. You have the right to claim your lands and to lead your subjects. We have heard that an uncle rules in your absence, although many do not favour him. He rules by subjection and his laws are harsh. Ousting him will be a pleasure and we will have many willing allies. The journey will be tough, but bearable. You will become fitter as we travel. We will travel at your pace. As to leaving here, surely you have no wish to stay?"

I glanced around at my small kitchen and the scruffy furniture. What would I lose if I followed them? What might I gain? I looked back at Grant. He made me feel safe and special. He had been nothing but calm and protective, kind and gentle. I felt I knew him, and I had begun to trust him. I was comfortable with him.

"I have nobody here who would miss me. I guess being alone feels the same anywhere."

"You will never be alone again, sholry, I promise. You have me." He raised my hand and kissed my knuckles softly. My heart squeezed in my chest. Breathing suddenly hurt as he gazed at me with darkening eyes. The moment was shattered at a tap at the window. I stiffened as Grant jumped to his feet, Adam and Charles already alert, weapons appearing in their hands. The light flicked off. I sat in the dark, terrified, as Grant, Charles and Adam muttered in another language. There was another tap, followed by a voice.

"Talgen. John, Matt and Luke. At your service."

The door opened. I saw three men come though it before it closed again. As the light came back on, the three new men blinked at the brightness, then bowed to Grant.


"Welcome. Come on in and rest. Adam, Charles – food and drink – now. John, Matt, Luke – this is Eloisa, Queen of Wolgen."

The three fell to their knees in awe.

"Sholry." They said in unison. Grant permitted them to stand.

My kitchen became a hive of activity as food and drink was prepared for the three men. They looked weary so I went to my bedroom and pulled out all my blankets, carrying them into the main room. I scooped up the cushions from my sofa and scattered them on the floor, adding a blanket beside each one before returning to the kitchen. The trio now sat around my table with Grant, talking in their unfamiliar language. Adam and Charles were cooking. I cleared my throat, gaining their attention.

"I have provided somewhere to lay your heads with blankets in the other room. Please feel welcome to sleep when you are fed." I held up my hand in anticipation of the possible veneration. "There's no need to move, gentlemen. I shall take my leave and allow you to take your meal and rest. I wish you a peaceful night." I turned to leave.

I shall join you shortly, sholry. Thank you for making my men welcome. They appreciate your generosity.

I returned Grant's smile and nodded before heading back to my bed. Closing the door muffled the sound of their voices and shut out the aroma of food. They needed to report to Grant and to eat. I needed sleep; I had to work in the morning. Disrobing, I slid between the sheets and curled up to sleep. Grant was right, I was no longer alone. I had more people in my apartment than I had ever expected or even known at any one time in my life until today. Grant made me feel safe and it felt good. I fell asleep thinking of him.

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