Chapter 16

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I did not dream. Grant woke me with hot porridge and a mug of coffee on a tray.

"Good morning, sholry."

I scooted up the bed, leaning against a pillow propped against the bedhead. Once I was comfortable, he placed the tray on my lap. The porridge looked almost the same as yesterday except there was a small spoon-sized depression near the edge. I looked up at him questioningly. He shrugged.

"It was tested. I wanted to be certain you would come to no harm."

"Why? Who?" I asked as I picked up the spoon. Clearly a different one had been used for the taste test as this one was spotlessly clean.

"Just a precaution, sholry. We all know Bess too well, and you bested her last night. To make sure she had not doctored any of the ingredients, she was forced to eat some. She suffered no ill-effects."

"You think she might try to poison me?"

"It was a possibility worth eliminating. I have told her that all your food will be taste tested by her in future. She will not poison you, for fear of poisoning herself. It is simple and effective."

"She will not harm any of the others?" I asked as I started to eat.

"She is not that stupid. She needs us to be able to return home. She would not risk being left here. We have got used to her scheming ways. She can be useful, so we tolerate her difficult attitude."

"Useful in what way?"

"Her range of magic is vast. We have all benefited from her potions or concoctions in the past. With the right approach, she can be amenable."

"She chooses to be with you?"

"We stumbled across her in our travels. We were searching for clues of your whereabouts and had left Ventis. We were travelling west and came across a lynching party. Bess was the one they were to hang. In fact, she was strung up and beginning to convulse by the time Luke got to her. He cut her down. We ran the crowd off. In gratitude, she joined us. She only intended to stay with us until the next town, using us as a safe escort. She changed her mind on route, after discovering our reason for travelling. I think the whole of idea of finding a lost queen fascinated her. Clearly you have not measured up to her idea of a queen." Grant ended with a chuckle.

"And I've embarrassed her."

"Possibly. Let's just say she hasn't found the whole episode as entertaining as the men have."

"I've made an enemy?"

"I don't think it goes that far – not just yet. You've damaged her pride, that's all." He grinned at me. "You've gained the respect of the men though."

"So I watch my back?"

"The men will watch your back, sholry. You have their respect now."

My bowl empty, I picked up the mug and nursed it as usual. Grant took the tray away, pausing in the doorway before closing the door.

"Get dressed. You tempt me to join you in that bed. I'll be in the main room." He grinned at me then closed the door. I recalled the previous night and grinned as I drank my coffee. It had been a wonderful experience, one that I hoped to have again. I had a sudden urge to run after him and hug him. My heart clenched in my chest, beating quicker at the thought. I was becoming attached to him, I realised. I set the cup down and found some clothes to wear from the discard pile, taking them into the bathroom with me. After a quick wash down, I dressed and gulped down the remainder of the cooling coffee. I headed for the main room, empty mug in hand. Charles relieved me of it the moment I walked in.

Grant stood in the centre of the room. The men sat or lay on the floor. Bess lounged on the sofa. She didn't look particularly happy. The radio was on as usual. I smiled at them all.

"Good morning, Bess. Good morning gentlemen." I said.

Most responded, but Bess glared at me and kept quiet.

"Good morning, Sholry." Grant smiled. "I was just about to give out the orders for today. Join us."

I sat on the floor some distance from Luke, although he was the closest man. Bess raised her eyebrows at me. I had surprised her by sitting on the floor.

She expected you to claim the sofa from her.

- I'm acting as I wish to continue – as part of the team. I cannot be seen to be queen, remember?

Grant half-smiled and then began to dish out orders.

"Adam, you already have your assignment. John, Sholry will require some suitable clothing for travel. I have made a list of items for you to obtain. Luke, we will need food, enough for everyone to eat well for two days. I will also leave for a while. Matt, you are Sholry's personal guard for today. Bess, I want details of Nigel's conduct - now, in the kitchen. The rest can relax. I shall call if I need you."

"Talgen." Even Bess acknowledged Grant that time, adding her voice to that of the men. One by one, they set out to do Grant's bidding. Grant and Bess went into the kitchen to talk. Charles left to refill my cup, bringing it to me where I still sat on the floor.

"Do you require me to do any laundry for you, Sholry?" He asked.

"I have chosen the items I will take with me, Charles. They are already clean. I see no point in washing anything else."

"As you wish, Sholry." He bowed slightly then sat on the floor near the door. I sipped my coffee looking around at the rest. Most rested on the floor, their back resting on the wall behind them with their eyes closed. They appeared asleep, but I knew they were alert and would be instantly on their feet at any untoward sound. Matt was the only one with his eyes open. They were fixed on me. If I moved, I knew he would be on his feet, following me. Although I had a sense of someone watching me, Matt did not trigger that feeling. He made me feel safe and secure, not threatened. I continued to drink my coffee. I hoped I had enough for the journey. I liked my coffee, particularly in the mornings.  

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