Chapter 22

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I woke in Grant's arms, sitting on his lap on the sofa. Bess stood behind him, peering over his shoulder with a look of concern on her face. Matt knelt at my feet with John behind. Charles held a glass of water close to my face.

"Sholry?" Matt enquired as I opened my eyes.

"Matt." I croaked.

Grant pulled me closer. "You had us all worried there, Eloisa." He said. "Just be calm. Relax. You're safe."

"Grant." I said.

"Sholry." He replied softly, pressing his lips to my temple.

"Have I been dreaming?"

"I think the dreams will stop now. I caught you, remember?"

"Oh good." I cuddled closer to him and closed my eyes.

"Shhh... let her sleep." He whispered.


When I woke next, it was darker. I was still in Grant's arms, although he was asleep. I couldn't think why we were on the sofa for a moment or two and then ragged memories pressed into my mind.


I felt his arms tighten around me as he lifted his head.


"What happened?"

"Many things, my love. I think part of the mystery is solved now. When you feel stronger, I shall explain. Hungry?"

"A little. I could murder a coffee though."

"No coffee. I've seen what it can do. Only water if you're thirsty."

"Where is everyone?"

"Occupied. Apart from Bess and Nigel, everyone is moving your stuff out. You may talk freely."

"I can't figure out what's a dream and what isn't."

"Unfortunately, nothing is a dream." Grant said, patiently. "No wonder you didn't bleed, but you didn't lie to me. I wasn't the first, but you were not aware. That damned mind doctor raped you then erased your memories. More than once, it seems. In your mind, you were still innocent. Hell, you acted innocent enough. Everything felt right, except for the lack of blood. You haven't disappointed me. I don't blame you."

"Oh god!" I shuddered. "He was telling me this, and then his head exploded!"

"Luke shot him. He'd heard enough." Grant kissed me softly. "He beat me to it."

"Oh god! What will we do with him?"

"Luke?" Grant chuckled. I smiled weakly. I wanted to kiss Luke for his action. Perhaps Grant shouldn't know that. I wanted to cry again...I never cried... what was happening to me?

"The doctor."

"We have an idea...." Grant began. "We need to get you home. You need to disappear. We have a body, not yours, but by the time we finish, nobody will know otherwise. Your co-worker gets new furniture. Everything has turned out very neatly. You die today."

"What?" I stiffened in his arms. He would kill me instead?

"Shhh, Sholry. Eloisa Hadly dies tonight. Sholry leaves with We will set fire to this place when we leave. With Matt's skills as a firestarter, it will be intense. When the blaze is out, they will find a body – not much of one, but it will be sufficient to convince everyone that it was a terrible tragedy and that you have died. Being a loner, nobody will contest that fact. You have no living relations here. You never had. Sholry comes with us, back to where she belongs."

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