Chapter 11

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When I returned to my room, Grant had left the bed and was stretching, his naked back facing me. Muscles rippled and he looked absolutely gorgeous. He was the most attractive man I had ever seen, front or back and the first I had seen fully naked.

"You are working again today?"

"Yes, and for the next three days also."

"You work every day?" He spun around to face me, his expression one of concern.

"Five days out of seven, Grant. This is normal for this city. Other cities and positions expect six days." I searched for clean underwear in my drawer.

"More of the same as yesterday?"

"Yes. Every day is the same." I started to dress for the day. Grant shook his head sadly.

"It is not suitable for someone such as you."

"It is easier than some work, and mindless. It pays well enough." He watched me intently as I pulled on my outer clothing, my body disappearing from his view. I expected more rain and chill, so I added a fleecy top over my blouse.

"Sholry...we must make plans to leave here, and soon." He took my lead and began to clothe himself. Strangely, I was disappointed that he covered his fine body. His physique was drool worthy, and definitely something I could enjoy seeing first thing every morning.

"I can't just disappear..."

"You have done that already once - many years ago. You can do it again."

I couldn't reply to that. If his tale was true, then I shouldn't be where I was, but somewhere else - a distant land where I was a princess at least, and a queen at most.

"Who took me? And why?"

"I have never found the answers to those questions, sholry, although I have asked them many, many times. I have several theories, but no proof to back them up. You have no idea how difficult it was to find anything out about you."

"Until the necklace?"

"Until we were given that, yes, although there are many unanswered questions regarding that too. Who and why, being the most important." Now dressed, he walked toward me. A hand dived into his rear trouser pocket and extracted his wallet. The brown leather wallet was folded, an intricate design embossed onto one side, studded all around the edges with silver studs. It fastened with a small strap and was held secure by a chain attached to his belt. He opened it, unfolding the two halves, unfastened a small pocket within and took out a thin silver chain with a pendant connected to it. He undid the delicate clasp and held it out to me, holding it in both hands for me to examine. "Do you recognise it?"

I gasped as I saw the pendant catch the light. I did! It was a frog-like creature sitting on a disk that spun in the tail end of a crescent moon. The creature's face was tilted slightly and looked into the hollow belly of the moon. I touched it carefully.

"Yes, I know this. You say my father gave it to me?"

"Yes. You remember it?"

I beamed. "Yes!" I touched my neck, remembering where it used to sit, in the hollow at the bottom of my throat.

"The chain may well be too short to fit you now." Grant said huskily. He blinked rapidly.

"Try it." I whispered, eager to wear it again. If I no longer had my father, at least I could wear something he had given me. Grant lent forward and attempted to join the ends of the chain together, but he was correct. The chain was made for a young girl and would not meet at the back of my neck without strangling me.

"I will get another, more suitable for you." He sighed, withdrawing both the necklace and his hands. "You remember it. This is excellent news."

"Thank you." I said softly. He replaced it into his wallet again, and returned the wallet to his pocket. He kept his face down as he did so, then turned away to the window, carefully parting the material so he could glance outside. He grunted then turned back to me.

"Matt is already out on guard in the street. I smell the beginnings of breakfast. Come." He led the way out of the bedroom. The cushions and blankets were piled tidily on the sofa and the radio was on, playing soft music. Adam and Charles were in the kitchen, one cooking, the other already making a coffee for me. One of my tumblers stood on the counter top filled with water. Grant took it and drank it down completely without a breath. He inhaled with approval as he set the glass down and nodded at Charles.

"Eloisa will go to work as she did yesterday. Adam, you will join us on the walk there for protection, and then you may complete your task that is assigned to you. Charles, monitor this place, and prepare a meal for us all for when we return. Keep the radio on. I will assign Luke to procure what you need in our usual manner."

"Yes, Talgen." Both replied. Charles presented my coffee solemnly with a bow. I smiled.

"Thank you, Charles."

He kept his head bowed as he moved back. "It is an honour to serve you, Sholry."

Adam had transferred the contents of a saucepan into a bowl and he placed that on the table with a spoon alongside it. Like Charles, he bowed to me, his head low. "Your breakfast, Sholry."

Grant pulled out the chair from beneath the table, and I sat. The bowl held porridge, hot and steaming, with a golden crust of brown sugar sprinkled liberally over the top. I picked up the spoon and dipped it in, hearing the crunch of the solidifying sugar. Apart from the radio, there was silence as if they all awaited my verdict on tasting the offering. I sampled it carefully, aware of the heat. It was very sweet, but tasty. Under the sweet crust, the porridge was creamy and perfectly cooked. I had never tasted anything so simple, yet perfect. I ate more and smiled as I relished the taste.

"This is just fantastic, Adam. The best porridge I've ever tasted."

"It is an honour to serve you, Sholry." I didn't turn around to look at him, but I heard the relief in his voice. Grant touched my shoulder gently, and then moved away into the main room. Adam followed him, leaving Charles with me. He melded into the kitchen recess as he had done the night before. I cleared the porridge, scraping every last oaty morsel from the bottom and edges. I almost licked out the bowl, but recovered my senses just in time. I pushed the bowl away and rubbed my stomach in appreciation. I could get used to this, I thought. I hardly registered the movement as Charles whisked the bowl away to wash it. He moved so quickly and stealthily, he was almost a blur.

Grant returned. "Orders given. We are ready when you are, sholry."

John, head down, held my coat ready for me. I slipped my arms into it with a smile.

"Thank you, John."

"It is an honour to serve you, Sholry."

I frowned. That saying was getting old quickly.

"Is everything alright, sholry?" Grant asked, obviously noting my frown.

"I'm fine. Just a little reluctant to head out, I guess."

"It's not for much longer, Eloisa." He chuckled, taking my hand in his. "You will leave this life behind when we set out for home."

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