Chapter 10

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When I woke next, jolted out of sleep by my recurring nightmare of being chased, Grant was beside me in the bed. I had not been disturbed when he came into my room, or when he had climbed into the bed. Compared to some, the nightmare that had woken me was mild. It was similar to previous ones – I was running, trying to escape my pursuer, dashing headlong through trees, the whole area bathed in orange light. I cried out, my heart racing and my breathing laboured as usual. Grant was instantly awake.

"Sholry...are you alright?"

"I'll be fine. I was being chased. Just another nightmare."

"That was me. I am the one chasing you." He reached out for me, his hand resting over my racing heart. "You should stop running and allow me to catch up."

"There are others in the dream too."

"My men."

"Not just your men. There's someone else. Sometimes you all crowd around me, as if to hide me or shield me from this person."

"We would." He agreed. "I did not see this other person."

"He's not always visible. Sometimes it's just a feeling of menace."

"Stop running. You need to allow me to catch up."

"I would if I could."

"It's your dream. Control it. Take charge and direct it."

"How do I do that?"

"You know me now. Your 'hunter' has a face. See me, know me and let me reach you. I will protect you."

He pulled me closer to his body. My heart no longer raced through fear, although it still beat fast due to his close proximity. He pressed my head into his chest, allowing me to hear his own heartbeat. It sounded as quick as mine. I teased the bar that stabbed through his nipple with my fingers, making him hiss.

"You need to sleep, Eloisa."

I hummed agreement, teasing his nipple bar idly. I was tired and the tenseness of the dream was fading fast. I concentrated on the simple joy of being held and the thrill of his body against mine. It felt wonderful.

When I woke next, daylight was fighting its way through my blind. I was still nestled on Grant's chest, his arms loose around me. His heartbeat was steady and slow, a rhythmic thump thump beneath my ear. To think I was so totally alone only two days ago! To come to this was beyond any of my wildest dreams. Grant had turned my life completely upside down, but in a good way. I would not return to how I was before he came. I could go with them. I could leave this miserable existence I was living and travel with them. Nothing could be as dire as what I had. I slipped out of bed and crossed to the door intending to go to pee as I usually did – naked.

"You should cover up, sholry. My men are out there." Grant's drowsy voice halted me.

"Sorry." I whispered, reaching for a robe.

"Your body is now for my eyes only, sholry, just as mine is for you. I cannot allow anyone else to covet you."

"And if they did?" I asked idly while I slipped on the robe.

"I would kill them."

I stopped abruptly in shock at the menace and determination in his voice.

"Possessive much?" I said flippantly when I recovered.

"I'm deadly serious, Eloisa. I have few possessions. I do not own you, but you have become a huge part of me. I've searched for you for such a long time, and you have become my reason for living. I cannot give you up, nor will I share you. If you walk away..." His voice faltered. I would rather die than live without you now I've found you.

I hesitated, torn between returning to him and relieving myself. My bladder won. I rushed out to pee, thinking about his statement. There was no doubting this strange man...elf...loved me. This was all so weird and yet he seemed familiar in many ways. As I was in my robe, I took the opportunity to fill the sink with warm water. Using a wash-cloth and soap, I washed away the nightly sweat from my body. My hair could wait another day. As heating the water was costly, I only bathed twice a week, washing my hair at the same time. With the men in my apartment, I expected a higher charge on my utility bills very shortly, so I needed to be frugal. My wages were sufficient, but could not stretch to feeding everyone. I intended to mention this to Grant when I got the chance.

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