Chapter 14

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I walked in to my apartment to be greeted by a delicious aroma. Adam took my coat with a bow. Charles bowed as I entered the kitchen. Luke and John bowed as I entered the main room. At least my bedroom was free from bowing males, I thought. Grant followed me in, closing the door behind me. He bowed mockingly. I sighed.

"Will you stop it!"

"Does it bother you that much?"

"Yes. I'm not accustomed to it. It irritates me."

" is just a sign of respect."

"When I travel with you, will you treat me the same?"

He grinned. "Well, you won't be entering any rooms. We will be in the open, almost constantly."

"Good. They rarely bow to you. The kowtowing stops - now."

"Yes, your highness. I will issue the order."

I pursed my lips. This 'highness' thing was getting annoying too.

"I will not be regal when I'm clambering over rocks and tree stumps either."

"You will still be protected, sholry. It is acceptable to call you 'sholry'?"

"I can live with that, Grant."

"Good. We will all protect you. Until you become fit, there may be times when you will need assistance. It will be given whether you like it or not."

"I may accept that, particularly if I struggle."

"Good. We will eat and then discuss when we leave. We still wait on the remaining four, remember?"

"Ah - the Bewitchery Bess and the tardy trio?"

Grant roared with laughter. "I will enjoy your tussles with her. It will be an amusing respite."

I changed out of my uniform for the last time and placed it with the laundry. It would be collected when the apartment was reallocated. Once I had changed, I headed to the kitchen for the meal. Grant pulled out the chair and a bowing Charles placed the plate in front of me. Grant sat beside me and Adam delivered his meal, his head lowered in respect. As we ate, the pair melded to the walls as usual. The food was delicious and I said so. Grant held up a finger to still their words. We ate quietly, although the radio was still on. Our empty plates were whisked away and Adam delivered a glass of water for Grant and a coffee for me. I smiled and thanked him. Again, Grant held up a finger for silence. The pair made themselves invisible again. Grant swallowed his water without breathing. It was clearly a habit. I sipped my coffee, savouring the taste and reflecting on the day.

So much had happened in such a short time. I felt different. I should have been overwhelmed, but instead I was quietly excited, if a little apprehensive, about the forthcoming travel. Although the feelings were new, I felt good.

"Bring your drink, sholry. It's time for a discussion." Grant said, standing. He assisted me from the chair and allowed me to carry my cup into the main room. Luke, John and Matt were lounging on the floor, their backs resting against the walls. Instantly, they stood, unravelling smoothly to their feet and bowed. Grant summoned Adam and Charles into the room also. They bowed too. I sighed. Grant grinned.

"Sit. It's time to make preliminary plans." Grant said. "We use this language while Eloisa is with us."

"Talgen." They acknowledged in unison. Grant nodded in approval.

"First, Queen Eloisa." I glared at Grant, who grinned at me. "You will address her only as Sholry from this point on. Until we reach Wolgen, she has to lose her identity as Queen Eloisa. She has agreed to accept 'Sholry' as her name. Do I hear any dissent?"

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