
423 11 9

You've got to be kidding.

Out of all the people that could come out of that bathroom it had to be Brendon. Brendon fucking Urie. Mister 'bad boy' aka, the guy all the girls want to ride.

Except me, of course.

I never really understood what the girls saw in him. I mean sure, he's tall, hot, and built but personality wise, he's an actual piece of shit.

I don't think I've ever walked past him without him either smelling like cigarettes or weed and he treats girls like trash. (Fucks then ducks is what my friends and I say). He's a senior, seventeen soon to be eighteen and soon to graduate, that's if he keeps his grades up and stops getting detention.

"Who's this?" He stares between Zach and I with a stupid smirk on his face.

"This is Tes" Zach says smiling "Dallon's ex girlfriend." Zach looks me up and down and i feel like i'm gonna be sick

Brendon stares at me hard with an intrigued and almost confused look. As though he doesn't know how to feel about me quite yet. I cross my arms over my chest trying to hide what little I have of boobs so he'd stop starring at them so intently.

His smirk grows bigger as we lock eyes.

"Damn Urie stop fucking starring at her like she's a piece of meat." Dallon said with an angry tone.

"What the hell do you care, Dallon?" Brendon said darting his eyes to him.

"Yeah Dallon, what the hell do you care?" I said after Brendon, finally managing to speak since Brendon left the smoke filled bathroom.

All the boys faces turned to me, surprised that I even said anything to them. I examined all of them, Jacob looked terrified, Zach looked shocked, Dallon looking pissed off, and Brendon just had a wide dumb smile on his face. All of them had bloodshot eyes, though.

"So she does speak." Brendon said.

"You should've heard her before you came out of the bathroom acting like mister big shot. She was screaming at me." Zach exclaimed.

"I was not screaming, god you're so dramatic."

"Well it seemed like you were."

"I was not!"

Zach and I continued bickering back and forth until Jacob yelled over us.

"Guys.. GUYS!" Jacob yelled "Shhhh, I think I hear someone." He whispered

"Oh shut up, you're just tripping out." Brendon said

But oh Brendon was so wrong. Rounding the corner was the principal, Mrs. Dean.

"Fuck." Zach whispers under his breath squeezing his eyes shut.

I look down as her heels click on the floor, the sound bouncing off the lockers and echoing through the now silent hall.

Click, click, click, click.

Her pace picks up as she nears us, acting like we were gonna run away from her.

"Now what do you five think you're doing?" She crosses her arms and stops right in front of us.

From the way we were standing, it looks like a scene out of a movie. Zach only a few feet away from me, Brendon with his back against the bathroom door, arms crossed, Jacob standing to the left of Zach but slightly behind him, Dallon to the right of Jacob, and me on the opposite side of the hall with my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"We we're uhm just about to uhm" Jacob says panicking

"We were just delivering something for Ms. Pam." Brendon says with that same smirk on his face that he gave me. "No harm being done, swear."


Mrs. Dean didn't looked pleased with his response. "All five of you?" She says with a cock of her eyebrow.

"Yes all five of us, she wanted us to all go make copies of papers and pick things up for her in the office and deliver things to the secretary's for her." He says, dragging on his white lie.

She looks between the five of us with disbelief "So if i were to go down to Ms. Pam's room right now, she'd say that you were all delivering papers for her?"

I can feel the color drain from my face. Nobody says a word, we all look at our shoes except for Brendon. He stares her right in the eyes and says "Yeah, she would."

What the hell is he thinking?

"Mister Urie, I know for a fact that your second period isn't even geometry with Ms. Pam, she's an advanced class and you're still in algebra one." I try my hardest to hold back the laugh building up but i can't help it. The smallest giggle escaped my mouth and her eyes shot straight to me.

"Miss Summers? What do you think you're doing hanging out with these... hooligans." She says disgusted, making sure to emphasize the word hooligans.

"Oh no Mrs. Dean I was just trying to get to my next cla-"

"Save it Tes." She says putting a hand up, signaling me to stop talking.

"I want all of you in my office now. Also, you should all be expecting lunch detention for the week. Class started forty minutes ago for heavens sake!" She looks disappointed in all of us

"But Mrs. Dean, we weren't skipping we were delivering something for Ms. Pam." Jacob says

"Stop it Jacob. I expect better from you. Getting in this kind of trouble can get you kicked off the chess team!" She has hurt in her eyes. "Tes, just get to class, you don't have to come to my office but I do expect to see you in lunch detention for the next week."

Why was she letting me go? I was in as much trouble as any of them. We were all out of class without hall passes when we weren't supposed to be.

"Come on boys in my office." They all walked towards her office with Mrs. Dean behind them. She turns around and winks at me.

She wasn't the only person to turn around though, Brendon's head turned after her.

I'm not going to explain what happened but if looks could kill, i'd be dead.

A/N: Hi! I actually hate this chapter and it sucked so much i'm so so so so so sorry. I'll be writing better chapters soon i promise!! This was more of a filler chapter (even though it's the chapter that Tes and Brendon meet in. oops.) I love you! - Author, X.

Word Count: 1,074

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