"You really should learn to mind your own business," (32)

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Tom stepped further into the room; never taking his eyes off any of us for too long. He was well dressed, if I might add and better looking in person than in pictures. He was holding a pistol... his grip a little too tight for my liking. He looked the part but his demeanor was off...

"I'm here for those ledgers, if you don't mind." The tone of his voice was surprisingly calm yet dangerous; like the ocean at night.

Micah stood frozen beside me. His face was a mixture of horror, grief and confusion at the same time. If that made sense.

He was seeing his best friend after seven years. His friend who was presumed dead, mind you. But then he spoke.

"I mourned you! We all mourned you!" I saw the hurt in Micah's face and wanted nothing more than to kiss it all away.

"What do you want me to say, I'm sorry?"

"I want a fucking explanation!"

"Careful, Mike... I'm the one with the gun,"

"You don't get to call me Mike," he angrily retorted.

"Look, this is bigger than our friendship. This is something you wouldn't understand," Tom said to him.

"Wouldn't understand? We grew up together! I've known you my whole life!" Micah stressed to him.

"You were never meant to be drawn into this." He shook his head.

"I was drawn into it when you planned to have my wife murdered!"

Tom sighed. "It wasn't personal, man. Just business,"

I decided to cut in. "You're his son, aren't you? The one they couldn't find..."

His gaze switched over to me. "You must be Brynne. I've heard quite a lot about you... in fact, you did most of my work for me,"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're little PI over here didn't cover his tracks as well as he thought. It had taken me years to find out a few names but with you... you got me a whole list in a matter of days. I must thank you,"

"Why would it take you that long if this place was yours? Surely, you must have known who had shares in it,"

"That's the thing. I was adopted by another family after this place was busted... so I had no idea what went down back when I was a kid. Seven and a half years ago, an old colleague of my real father sought me out and told me everything. The company had been split up so many ways that there was no way I could claim it after so many years... unless they were signed over to me.

"But lets be real. No one would believe I was Alistair jr.'s son and even if they did, they'd see me as a threat and try to get rid of me. I knew all those old bastards sold my father out. They drove him to death. Drove my mother to death. My father's colleague had kept his books and his secrets... the very same books right there," he pointed to the desk.

"Why would you go through this much for revenge?"

"They took my parents and my life away from me... now I take away their legacy,"

"You're delusional, Tom," Micah chimed in. "That colleague could have lied to you,"

"But it wasn't a lie. The facts were all there. Right before I deleted it all from the public. Can't have anyone digging into these accidents the same way you did, Brynne. And let me say, I am thoroughly impressed... I see why you caught the eye of my friend here. You're loyal to your cause, you're determined and you're too smart for your own good."

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