Chapter 1: Two Stars Are Born (part 1)

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Cecile's POV

I woke up early and the morning and went to the garden. Anyway, I am Cecile Joanna Herden and my favorite song is 'Rewrite the Stars'.

I put out my earphones and put them on. I started to play the song. "I like this song..." I said to myself then started walking.

This song is so good to the ears and heartwarming too. Ahh..... I hope that I meet my forever. "Oh! This is my favorite part!"

"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find..." I started singing and the breeze is so good.

Mark's POV

"......It's up you and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?" I was practicing the song when my "friend" interrupted me.

"OMG! Mark, you are amazing and awesome!" My friend told me.

"Freya, why did you interrupted me on the middle of the song?"

"Oh sorry Mark Cleomper..." She said with a face. "It is not my fault you are awesome and handsome."

"Stop it! Maybe someone can hear you!" I said to her.

"Ok! Oh btw, your class will about to start."

"What! Why didn't you say so?" I said then ran out of the room.

"Hey wai-. He is so good."

I ran to my room as fast as I can so I can't be late. I ran and ran but I never get tired.

I finally reach my room, and when I entered, I suddenly feel exhausted and took a seat. Gladly my teacher is not here so I made it in time.

"Hey Mark!" Someone said and when I saw who it was.... it was my friend Clark.

"Whattup Clark."

"Okay. You? What happened to you? You looked like a handsime athlete who just too a 10 laps on a 100 meter track."

"I was going to be late so I ran and ran to get here." I said to him while breathing heavily. We didn't continued our conversation because our teacher is now here.

Cecile's POV

I finished singing and I was shocked that Sarah was watching me the whole time.

"Wow Cecile, that was amazing!" She said.

"You watched me sing?! That is embarrassing!"

"But it was amazing! And your voice is beautiful!"

"I can't agree more." Someone said and when I saw it, it was a man. "Oh sorry, I am Max Spenter."

"Hello Max, I am Sarah and this is Cecile." Sarah introduced me to her.

"Your voice is beautiful and perfect to be one of the Star Twins." He said. "So do you take the offer?"

"I-" before I said anything, Sarah answered for me.

"She will be glad to."

"What!" I whisphered to her.

"Just accept it, it may be an oppurtunity." Sarah whisphered back to me.

"Ok, this is my number." He said to me then gave me a card. "Just call me and I will call you back." He walked away from us.

"Ugh.... what will I tell Mom?" I said in a frown.

"Don't be sad, be happy! Come on, class will start." She said then we went to our classes.

Mark's POV

Classes have ended then I was on my way to my room at the dorm when my phone rang.

"Who is it this time." I said to myself and got my phone then answered it and it was.....

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