Chapter 7: Days Before The Day (Part 1)

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Next Day...


I woke up still thinking what it was, but I stopped thinking about it when I reached the building. I first went to the office but no one was there, so I went to the studio but no one was there either. I searched the whole building when I realized that we were going to practice for the show on Thursday. I remembered the room that has 'Stage' on it.

I went to that room and I saw Max and the others there.

"Hi Max!" I greeted him.

"Just in time Cecile! Did you memorized your part?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

We started to practice what we will move. I was having a bad time but Mark is always there to help me. Actually, it is not only one song that we will sing, it was 4 songs.

After 3 hours of practice.......

"Okay! Great job everyone, returm after lunch, okay?" He said.

Everyone was leaving........

"Hey! Let me treat you, as my thank you for what you did." I said.

"Oh it's okay." He said.

"No, I can't accept no as an answer." I said.

"Alright.." he said. We went to a restaurant and ordered a rice meal.

The food is now served and we started to eat.

"Hey, thanks for......everything." he said.

"I should be thanking, for what you did. Saved me from danger. Thank you." I said to him.

"There is something I need to tell you." He said. That made my heart started to beat fast.

"Wh-what is it?" I asked.

"I................" He breathed.


His phone rang......

"Oh sorry, I need to answer this call." He said and answered the call.

My heart stopped beating fast. But- what was he going to say to me? He might going to say something about the job. Or maybe.......about..........he has a crush on me?!

I suddenly blushed and my heart beats fast again. I hid my face with my hands so no one can see me blush. After a few minutes, I stopped blush and exactly Mark's call ended.

"Hey Mark! Who was that?" I asked.

"It was my friend who will be coming back from abroad." He said.

A friend from abroad? Maybe a new person to meet.

"Wh-what will y-you gonna say to me?" I asked my heart beats fast again.

"Oh nothing." He said and my heart finally stopped beating fast.

We went back to the Stage Room and continued our practice.


After a lot of practice and breaks, the practice is now finally over.......

"Hey Cecile! What if we go to the park? It is a bit early to go back." He said.

I agreed to go and we went to the lark where there were a lot of trees and people, we sat at the bench near the lake and under the shade of a tree.

"Hey Cecile."

"What?" I asked.

"I want you to hear this." He said as he pulled out his earphones and putted one to his ear and the other one to my ear. He played a song that was beautiful. After a 2 minutes,the song ended.

"Wow! Did you do that song?" I asked.

"Yes, and I want you to sing it with me at the stage at Thursday." He said.

"Sure! I would love to sing that song." I said.

"Thanks Cecile! This is the lyrics." He said as he gave me a paper of the lyrics. Even the title sounds beautiful.

"Come on, let's go now." I said then we got back at our condos.

Back at the condo I got the paper and I listened to the music as I sang the lyrics, the song is beautiful. I can't believe that Mark is a songwriter. I, that is impossible. What I am thinking is possible.
But, what if?

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