Chapter 3: Two Stars Are Born (Part 3)

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Cecile's POV

We started going to Heper City and it is now 5:30 in the morning.

After 1 hour.....

We finally got here in Heper City. We were amazed to the structure and view of the city that Sarah is more excited to explore the city.

Before we can do anything, we went first to our apartment where we will stay until next week (because today is Saturday) here.

"Ah....the bed is so comfy." Sarah said.

"Hey! We will go to the audition, remember?" I said to her.

"Oh yeah. Let's go."

"Wait! I will first get change." I said then got changed.

We went to the Beltron Building where the audition is being held. While walking, people were staring at us as if we were special. Well, I know why and it was my clothes. I wore dress but just a dress with a medium skirt. We headed to the door of the room and there is a person waiting outside. I think that he is waiting for us. I went to him and I was right, he was waiting for us.

"Hi, you must be Cecile." He asked.

"Uh... yes I am." I said to him

"Ok! Just wait here and wait for your time." He said then we waited for 10 minutes.

"Cecile! It is your turn." He said.

"Good luck bestie!" Sarah said.

"Thanks Sarah!" I said then went in. Max was in there and he is with some people.

"Hi Cecile! Are you ready?" Max asked.

"Yes, I am ready!" I said.

"Ok, start." He said.

Mark's POV

1 hour ago....

I left early and got here 20 minutes ago and still resting here in my condo where Max is staying. I just hoped that my sis was here with me but because there was something that happened on her job that she needs to be there so she did not came with me. I was thinking hard on the audition later and I was thinking that maybe my partner will be one of the audutioners. After 30 minutes of thinking, Max came then told me that the audition will start.

After 20 minutes......

Me and Max came to the audition room and sat beside our coworkers and waited for 10 minutes of preparation then the audition started.

The first one was a girl named Cecile, well at what I think, I think she is kinda......cute. Ugh! Just focus on her voice.

"Hi Cecile, are you ready?" Max asked.

"Yes, I am!" She said to Max then she started to sing.

Her voice is kinda beautiful and so nice to hear and I think she is perfect to be my partner. She stopped singing and the song was over then after she sang, we gave comments then the audition continued.

After 1 hour......

The audition is now finally over and we they are talking about the results.

The results are now ready and the auditioners are now here.

"Okay! First of all, thank you for participating and doing your best." He said to us. "The chosen is........Cecile Herden!"

Some of the participants were not happy and some were happy. Well, I don't care on who my partner is.

Cecile's POV

Whoa, I didn't expect that I will be chosen as the partner singer. Me and Sarah went outside to eat then went back to our condo. After some minutes, Max called that I need to go to the building for a meeting.

I went to the office then found Max.

"Hi Cecile! Congrats on your win! I want you to meet your partner." He said. "Cecile, meet Mark."

I am surprised that my partner is a handsome guy......

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