That night..

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Molly's POV

We left Simons at about 11.45pm and got back to the hotel at around 12am. Bailey was in the room down the hall, Charlie and Leo were opposite and I was sharing with James.

Mum was in a room downstairs, sharing with Rachel, and another make-up artist from the show. I was just brushing my teeth when there was a knock on the bathroom door, I opened it to find James there laughing. I spat out the toothpaste into the sink..

'What?' I asked him annoyed.

'Oh nothing, you just look funny when you brush your teeth' he laughed again

I gave him an annoyed look and he winked at me. What a cheeky little shit he is..

'Oh yeah, there was a reason why I came to watch you brushing your teeth, and that was Charlie and Leo have invited us over to their hotel room for a movie night until like early hours in the morning, you up for it?' He said while taking his shirt off and picking a new one up to change into. I nodded in agreement. I didn't actually have any pyjamas to wear because I didn't know that I was staying, so I wore my jeans and one of James' hoodies to Charlie and Leo's.

Bailey's POV

I'm so knackered, but Charlie and Leo invited me over to go have a movie night or something. I figured that Molly was going, so I guess I could brave it for a couple of hours.

I grabbed my hoodie and pulled it over my head, I reluctantly shut my door and made my way down the hall towards B.a.m's room. As I walked towards their room I heard laughing from Molly's room, followed by the click of the door handle.

'Hey Bailey!' Molly said as she came closer to me.

'Hey Molly, you okay?' I asked as we knocked on Bam's door. She nodded and smiled at me, I smiled back. She has the most gorgeous smile that I've ever seen.. It kind of lightens up her face and shows off these cute little dimples that she has.

Leo answered the door and invited us all in, there was a huge amount of movies, popcorn, sweets and fizz all on the table and sofa. There was also loads of blankets, duvets and pillows everywhere. It kind of made me laugh.

I looked over at Molly, she was talking to Charlie. Damn..

Molly's POV


'I best be getting back, I'm so tired' I said as I began to stand up out of my comfy position lying on Leo. We had just finished watching some horror movie which I can't even remember the name of, it was so scary! Bailey was holding my hand most of the time squeezing it whenever he felt me jump. I hugged everyone goodnight and kissed them all on the cheek.

I was just about to unlock my hotel room door when someone called my name behind me. 'Molly?' They said as they came closer, I turned around.

'Bailey, are you going to bed?' I asked confused to why he was out here.

'Soon, but I was just wondering if you wanted to wear these.. Those jeans look so uncomfortable!' He giggled as he handed me a pair of his trackies. I smiled and gave him a hug. 'Thank you' I mouthed as I stepped into my hotel room and closed the door behind me.

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