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Charlie's POV

*the day after the park*

'Why was he hugging her like that? It wasn't even a friendly hug?' I said turning to Leo. Leo snorted, and punched my shoulder lightly.

'Loosen up a little Charlie! It's not like they're dating or anything' I tensed up. Dating? Why would he bring Dating into this, what if they are dating? It sure looked like they were! We reached our hotel room door and Leo put the key in. As we walked in I noticed Carly was in there.

'CHARLIE BABY' Carly said, running up to me. I smiled and kissed her. Carly was one of the popular blonde girls that were always around me. She was also my girlfriend actually! We've been dating for 5 months now. She gets a little clingy, but she gives me all I want.

'Yeah, you two can have your little lovers fest, I'm going to see James' Leo said pulling a sarcastic face, Carly rolled her eyes and turned back to me kissing me on the cheek.

'Yaaayyy!' She screamed loud enough to burst my eardrums, I just smiled politely. I turned to Leo again who was laughing at me.

'Is Molly going to be there?' I asked, letting go of Carly's hand.

'Well yeah, it is her hotel room too, you idiot!' Leo said giggling as he shut the door. I was about to make my way out when Carly tugged me back.

'Who's Molly?' She said, raising an eyebrow. I pulled a face.

'Just some bitch who is staying in James' room' I said laughing, Carly smiled.

'Is she pretty?' Carly said, holding my hands. I grunted and laughed.

'Molly?! Pretty?! Haahahahah, no where near baby girl' I said pulling Carly closer to me, she smiled and pecked me on the lips.

'she's just a girl baby, nothing special. She's a bit of a sadass really, everyone says how perfect she is all the time but she's far from it, she's honestly the most vile and disgusting person I've ever met' Carly laughed really loudly, and I smiled. That's how you make a girl laugh.

Molly's POV

'Shes a bit of a sadass really, everyone says how perfect she is all the time but she's far from it, she's honestly the most vile and disgusting person I've ever met' This girl laughed and I opened the door.

'Thanks Charlie, real great way for me to meet your new Barrie doll.' I said crossing my arms, Charlie turned round and looked shocked to see me.

'Excuse me?' The girl said standing up, and walking closer. 'Don't call me that again.' She said, pointing at me, I laughed.

'Oh, and she's a bitch too. Great catch Charlie! You've really gone and out done yourself there haven't you. Fuck you, and fuck your girlfriend.' I said as I walked out picking up Leo's phone and slamming the door behind me. What the hell was that. What. Honestly, Charlie was sweet, why would he say that?

I was going to go back to my room but Bailey, Leo and James were in there so I just decided to go find my mum. We had decided to have a few nights in London as mum was asked to do another make-up thing but not for Britain's got talent.

'Mum?' I said as she turned around on the bar stool, she smiled and came to hug me. She could tell that I had been crying she waved goodbye to her friend that she was talking to and we made our way up to her room.

'I want to go home' I said and tears began to fall again, she came and sat next to me and hugged me tight.

'Boy trouble?' She asked, pulling out of the hug, I slowly nodded 'something like that' I replied as I collapsed back onto the bed. 'When do you want to go?' She asked, beginning to pack away her stuff. 'Tonight' I replied, standing up and walking towards the door. She nodded in agreement and told me to go get my stuff. I nervously walked up the stairs and towards mine and James' room. I unlocked the door and there was no one in there apart from a note from Bailey.

Dear Molly-Moo,

Gone to nandos, was going to ask you to join but I couldn't find you. Come meet us if you want, call me when you get this and I'll order and pay for you.

Love ya ;)

Bailey x o x o

I smiled, I love you too Bailey. I quickly gathered my stuff and ran back to my mum. She was going to have a shower before we left, so I decided to write a note to the boys telling them where I had gone. Tears were dropping down my face, once they finish britains got talent I might not see them again.. I packed, brushed my teeth and hair and I slid the note under Bailey's door. I figured when he found it he would tell the rest of the boys.

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