One last thing..

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Bailey's POV

'Im stuffed!' Leo announced as I pressed the button that read 'floor 4' we had just entered the lift in the hotel after coming back from nandos.

I don't know if Molly got my note or not, she didn't call me. But I guess she might have been with her mum or something? I fist bumped the boys goodbye as we all parted and went into our rooms.

As I walked in I noticed a white envelope on the ground, I bent down and picked it up. It read 'Bailey-Boo x' on the front. It was obviously from Molly, she was the only one that called me that..

I put down my bag and jumped onto my bed, I then ripped open the note to read what it said.

Dear Bailey,

You're probably wondering what this is right? It's my way of saying goodbye. This past week has been so incredible, I have never met such a down to earth person like you. You've been such an incredible friend to me this past week and I honestly can't thank you enough.

Good luck with the rest of your Britain's got Talent journey, I'm sorry I won't be there to support you. Instead I'll be in Australia. When you read this I'm probably on my way to the airport..

I've decided that it's a good idea if I go and live with my brother and auntie for a while. I know that I may never see you again, since we're going to be on different sides of the world. I'm sorry we never got to say goodbye properly either.

So, I wish you good luck in the rest of your life and we may meet again in the future.

One last thing, I love you Bailey McConnell, forever and always.

Molly x o x o

I love you too Molly George, I sobbed. She's gone, she's on the other side of the world and I'm never going to see her again! But why, why has she gone. I loved her, I really did. I slammed my hotel room behind me and ran to James' room.

'James!' I sobbed and knocked frantically, he quickly opened the door looking concerned.

'Whats the matter?' He asked as I handed him the note and collapsed on his bed. There was a couple of minutes of silence as James was reading. I sunk my head into my pillow and cried. I cried and I cried and I cried, no girl has ever had this much affect on me but there was something special about Molly.

Just then Leo, Charlie and Carly walked in, I didn't look up but I could hear their voices.

'Shes left?' Leo asked sounding upset, James handed him the note and he read it slowly. Charlie also looked upset but Carly was oblivious to what was going on.

'Was this the girl that came in yesterday and caught you saying stuff about her?' Carly tried to whisper to Charlie, but we all heard her.

'What?' I sat up and asked angrily. Charlie bite his lip as we all looked at him, Carly giggled. She was such a bitch. I hated her.

'I...' I cut him off 'don't even go there Charlie, I lost the girl I loved because of you and your blonde barbie' I said pushing past him and Carly.

'Where are you going?' James asked, 'to the airport' I replied as I ran to my room to grab my phone. I looked in my contacts.

I looked for 'Molly moo' and called, there was no answer. I then called her mum, and she answered.

Molly's mum: Hello?

Me: Hey Mrs George, it's Bailey

Molly's mum: oh Bailey, I guess you've found the note. I'm so sorry..

Me: it's okay, but do you think there's anyway that I can convince Molly to stay or if I can just say bye?

Molly's mum: Her flight is Flight 195 to Sydney, it leaves in 40 minutes and she's just got out of London, if you hurry you might be able to catch her.

Me: thank you so much, Mrs George.. It means so much.

Molly's mum: Go get her.

I ended the call and raced downstairs to where my mum was sitting in the hotel lounge.

'Mum!' I half screamed as she quickly looked round I pulled at her arm.

'You need to take me to heathrow airport, don't ask questions. The girl I love is about to get on a plane to sydney and I might never see her again and I need to say bye!' My mum got up quickly and hugged me we both then ran together towards the car, we got in the car and drove as quick as we could to heathrow.

When we got there I ran in and saw Molly about to check in, I sprinted towards her.

'Molly!' I screamed as she turned around to see me running towards her, everyone else turned too.

She smiled her gorgeous smile and started running towards me.

'Bailey!' She screamed as she jumped into my arms and we hugged, I could feel her tears going through my shirt as everyone began to get back to what they were doing. This hug was the best thing ever and I couldn't want to be anywhere else right now.

I had to let her go, she promised me that we would see eachother soon. We hugged again, and then the best moment of my life happened. We kissed. I kissed her. We both smiled a lot at eachother until she turned round to go to security, she waved bye and we went our seperate ways.

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