I wont let anyone hurt you

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Molly's POV

I was sitting on the grass, on twitter when Bailey walked over. I smiled at him as he sat down next to me stretching his legs out infront of us.

We sat in silence for a bit watching the other boys play football until Bailey bravely began to speak.

'Molly, tell me about yourself' he said as he looked at my pale face, I looked at him. Myself? Oh god, I hated this question. I always end up in tears.

'Well my name is Molly George, I'm 14 years old. I have a brother and I live with my mum and my stepdad' I said, looking back down at my phone. Bailey snatched my phone off me.

'You have a brother?' He said sounding more interested, I nodded slowly.

'How come you've never mentioned him? Does he live with you?' He asked, looking down at the grass that he was ripping out the ground.

'No,' I trailed off, tears forming in my eyes, 'he lives in Australia' I said, looking at Bailey. He looked up, I knew what he was about to ask..

'Why?' He said, pushing me round so we were facing each other rather then shoulder to shoulder with each other.

'Um,' I began to tell him my life story basically, as he listened carefully. 'A few months back I was living in Australia, I had been living there for years. It was great, hot weather, sandy beaches, we lived as a happy family.. My dad had a few gambling problems and things got tough, he began drinking more and more alcohol and it got to the point where he was becoming late and he lost his job,' I sighed, Bailey was examining my face. 'Its okay' he mouthed as I began to talk again.

'Mum decided that she'd had enough and left him for some stupid work colleague, dad was devastated. I stayed with him for a few years and he finally got his life back on track. One day, he decided that he was going to try win my mum back by telling her how much he's changed. He did it when mums boyfriend was out, but that was a stupid idea because mums boyfriend found out. I was sitting in the living room with Jack who's my twin brother, we heard shouting outside and dad told us to go upstairs. So we did as we were told and ran upstairs. We sat on the landing and watched mums boyfriend come in full of anger. I don't know much after that, but dad was put into hospital with major head injuries and brain damage. There wasn't really anything the hospital could do, so that night he left us. Soon after that, I went back to school and it just got worse.. Everyone was making fun of me for not having a dad. I would come into school and they would beat me and push me, the girls would pull my hair and call me all sorts of names. I was so afraid to go to school so they called me dumb and a coward, I couldn't take it Bailey.. I hated myself I was such a failure, ending my life was all I cared about.' I finished, and burst into tears. I saw Bailey had cried a bit as well so he just hugged me and kissed my forehead, he grabbed my hand and held it in his, rubbing my palm with his thumb.

'Its okay beautiful, it's okay, it's in the past now. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, I promise.. okay?' Bailey said softly as I pulled out of the hug and smiled at him.

He can't be there all the time. He's a singer; the music is more important then I am, so why did he promise me that..

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