Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

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It's been a week since you crossed paths with Jack Frost. Jamie runs up to you every 2 hours (except when he's asleep) and says Jack likes you. Every time he says it you playfully roll your eyes. He's only 8 like you're gonna believe him. But you had a tiny crush on him when you were younger. "Mom I'm gonna go for a little walk okay?" you asked as you walked into the living room, spotting your mother on the couch watching 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo'. She turned to face you. "Okay dear. Just be back before supper." you threw on a jacket and headed out into the frosty afternoon.

*** A time skip brought to you by Eret running away from Ruffnut :3 ***

You were walking home after hanging out at the skate park with two of your friends, Mateo and Leo. You love them like they were your brothers. As you were walking you spotted a boy, about 17 or 18, walking around in circles. "Uhhh....are you lost??" you asked, as the boy with the brunette looked at you. "A bit. Do you know where the saddle shop is? It says it here on the map but I can't find it." he said. "Yeah I know. Follow me." you said as you gestured to him. He ran up to you and walked with you side by side. You cleared your throat, trying to break the silence between you two. "Soooo...I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." "Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III." he held out his hand, and you shook it firmly then let go. You looked at your phone, it was 30 past 5. You only had half an hour with this guy. You made it to the saddle shop. Hiccup looked at the saddles that were displayed on the other side of the window. You smiled and whispered, "Bye." and began to walk away. Then you felt someone's hand on your arm, stopping you. "Don't leave." you heard Hiccup say as you turned around. You walked in with Hiccup and followed him around, looking at a few saddles here and there. "What about this one?" Hiccup asked as he turned around with a large, blue saddle which was fairly new. "Looks pretty good." you said inspecting it. "Let's go pay." you said as you walked to the counter. Hiccup rested the saddle on the counter desk and paid for it. (he's lucky he had money from the country you live in) You both walked out and Hiccup made this wolf call. You tilted your head in confusion. "What did you-" suddenly a big black creature jumped on you. You held in a loud scream, you bit your tongue to help. "Toothless!! Off her!!" The black creature crawled off you. You sat up and saw Hiccup patting the black creature. It was....a dragon!! "I thought dragons were myths!!" you said with amazement in your voice. The dragon growled at you, but Hiccup calmed him down. "(Y/N), this is my dragon Toothless. Toothless, this is my friend (Y/N)."  Hiccup said, with a bit of hurt in his voice when he said 'friend', but you didn't hear it. Hiccup grabbed your wrist gently and held it near Toothless' snout. "Hold out your hand." Hiccup said softly. You obeyed, and closed your eyes tightly, afraid of what will happen. Then you felt a set of scales on your hand. You opened your eyes and saw the huge beast' snout on your hand. He looked so peaceful. You smiled and pat his nose gently. You looked at you phone. "Oh crap it's 6 I gotta get home!!" Hiccup jumped on Toothless and held out his hand. "Toothless is real fast. He can take you home." you looked at the dragon, then at Hiccup's hand. "Trust me." Hiccup whispered. You grabbed his hand and Hiccup helped you on Toothless. "Toothless, run." Hiccup said. Toothless ran faster than Usain Bolt. You held on to Hiccup's waist tightly. "You may need to open your eyes. I dunno where you live." Hiccup said. You opened your eyes and saw nothing but blur. "Can we go a bit slower?!" you asked loudly. "Toothless, go a bit slower!!" Hiccup yelled quietly at the dragon. Toothless' speed got slower, you could now see things. "Turn left here." you said. Toothless turned left, you could see your house. "Just over there." you said. Toothless stopped at your house, and you jumped off him. "Will I ever get to see you again?" you said leaning on the edge of Toothless' back. "We'll meet again." Hiccup said as he smiled. He leant down and kissed your cheek softly. You blushed lightly as you both waved at each other. Hiccup flew away and you walked inside, sitting at the dining table. For the rest of the night all you could think about was Hiccup.

A/N: done da second chapter!!! yea boy!! and in this story Hiccup and Astrid broke up. I'm also not really a Hiccstrid fan

Ideas would be appreciated!!

Sparkmates (Jack Frost x Reader x Hiccup)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang