We're together

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"You're avoiding me 'cause you like him you're supposed to be with me!!" the school's biggest bully, who has a crush on you, called Tyler said as you tried your best to lose him in the crowd of high schoolers. "Really I've only been at school for like 3 minutes and you're already smothering me." you said as you stashed some books in your locker and slamming it shut. "You can't spend the rest of your life with him we were meant to be together!!" "Let it go Tyler we are NEVER EVER going out I like who I like!!" you yelled as you ran off. "Stupid Tyler. He just doesn't get it!!!" you screamed at the sky as you collapsed on a bench.

** Please enjoy this PewDiePie quote during this time skip =D "Oh tree you scare me you so bright and nice. I like dat. I like when you bright and nice :). HA CHOP!!!! *shoots an arrow into the darkness*" **

You were walking home after school when you heard a familiar voice. "What it do, Snowflake?" the voice said. You realized in less then a blink of an eye. Jack Frost. He flew down beside you and walked with you. "Hey." you muttered. "What's the matter Snowflake?? You're not your happy self at the moment." Jack said, lifting your chin so you could face him. Your (e/c) orbs melted into his icy blue orbs. You were speechless, you just kept looking into those beautiful eyes of his. "I..." was all you managed to say. Jack leaned forward, slowly closing his eyes, you did the same. There was only a small gap between you two, and Jack sealed it. You two just stood there, frozen in place, but this was a first kiss, for both of you. But 10 seconds later you two got the hang of it and built up enough courage to start moving. Your lips moved in perfect sync. You felt Jack's tongue lick your lips, you knew what that meant. You groaned and opened your mouth. You felt how Jack's tongue went inside your mouth. It felt cold, which sent a shiver down your spine. After 5 minutes, you departed for air. You rested your forehead on his and you both closed your eyes. "Does this mean...we're together?" you asked, opening your eyes. "Yes. We're together." Jack said as he brushed his lips against your cheek.

Sparkmates (Jack Frost x Reader x Hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now