Chapter Téssera

24 5 0

July 8th, 2017


The humidity that filled the staff lounge was bad enough, but not nearly as bad as the coffee. It was dark... too dark. It also didn't help that my old friend and colleague decided to kill a person and leave a note for me to find. I was told by my commissioner to not take the case, to prevent some personal bias from getting in the way of the investigation.

He was right to do so, if I were on it and I found him... Chances are he'd be either locked away for good or be six feet under. Murdering, psychopathic, sick, sadistic madmen who I called a friend! My shift would end at twelve and then I'd have a week long break. And in that week I shall find my old pal, regardless of the law.

"Max, you got a minute?" It was the commissioner, I can't enjoy break without him breathing down my neck.

"I got about ten till I'm off, so sure."

"About Hank. I know you got beef with the guy, but he was one of my guys too. We'll catch him don't worry, by the time your break is over, we'll have him in custody."

"I don't doubt it, sir." It will be me, who brings him in, of course.

"How's the coffee?"

"Closer to a stool sample than coffee." Regardless of my comment he began pouring himself a cup. After wafting in the aroma of the coffee he dumped it in the sink. "I told Carmen to stop making the coffee... Enjoy your break, see ya next week!" He exited the room and left me to my coffee.

My phone buzzed, a text. Opening up the lock screen I read that it was Kyle. The coroner, I guess he wasn't notified of my break and though I was on the case.

Kyle: Hey, I did an autopsy on the victim and some other useful evidence.

That's great to hear, what is it? :Me

Kyle: Evidence on the body is normal like any other dead body. However, on the note is something interesting. Cement dust are found on the edges. Fingerprints matched, it's Hank like you said.

Thanks for letting me know doc. Let me know if there is anything else. :Me

Cement? Well that's not much to go off of. There are dozens upon dozens of buildings with cement and cement dust. It would be highly unlikely that Hank would be in an occupied building, that narrows it down.

Leaving the lounge room, I head to my office to do research on my computer. After entering in my username and passcode, I head to the search engine and set the filter to abandoned buildings and dilapidated buildings. He couldn't have gotten far from the crime scene, the station is not so far away after all. We responded in less than ten minutes.

That would be a most a five mile radius of the crime scene if he was on foot. No skid marks or tire marks indicate a vehicle. Most likely, he was on foot. Five mile radius of abandoned buildings? Typing on the search engine and adjusting the filter one last time revealed three different locations.

"The old Supercuts near the bank? Abandoned shopping center near the LOOP gas station? Or the foreclosed one story home near the canal." Talking to myself eased the stress on my already, strain filled brain. As I heard the commissioner's door slam closed, I wrote down the addresses on a piece of binder paper and quickly folded it into my pocket.

My door opened and I see the commissioner standing there, one hand on the door knob.

"Max what are you still doing here?"

"Um... Well I was just... Um... Clearing my browser history?" Really Max, you don't need to be a detective to detect how embarrassed I am right now.

"Look, do that at home, not at work... I'll have the cleaners come in here tomorrow for a thorough sweeping."

"Yes sir!" I put a fake smile to try and hide my foolishness. He closed the door and I went to clear my search engine history and head home. I'd start my actual investigation either tonight or tomorrow. I'll search all three of these if there is a chance you're in any of'em, Hank.

Turning off the lights in my already dimly lit office and looked over the list of addresses. I debated which one I should visit first. It seemed likely he'd go for the foreclosed home. If his life is as sad as I think it is, he'd pretend to have a family with me. Sickening. In any case, it seems like the best place to check out first.

The old Supercuts is pretty damn secluded, which is why it was shut down in the first place. Good place to hide from the cops, but is the farthest from the scene. You'd have to be a track boy to run that. Hank ain't no track boy. The abandoned shopping center is a good one as well, but close to other people and businesses.

It settled, I'll go to the old foreclosed home first and then try the shopping center. The Supercuts seems unlikely, but I can't rule it out just yet. Less patrols are at night and in early morning. I can either do one tonight and one tomorrow, but I might be too tired and have little energy. I'll do them both tomorrow.

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